@title Doom2DF 2 08.03.2023 2 2 @h1 NAME Doom 2D Forever console commands. @h1 CONTENTS 1. System commands 2. Binds 3. Console commands 4. Debug commands 5. Game commands 6. Cheats @h1 1. System commands quit, exit Exit from game. r_reset Reload render. r_maxfps Limiting the number of frames per second g_language Russian/English Change game language. @h1 2. Binds bind Bind a key behind a command. bindrep (?) bindunrep (?) bindlist Show a bind list. unbind Remove the bind from the key. unbindall Remove binds from all keys (not recommended). togglemenu Show or hide the main menu/game menu. toggleconsole Show or hide the console. togglechat Show or hide the chat. toggleteamchat Show or hide the team chat. @h2 For device with touchscreen showkeyboard Show virtual keyboard. hidekeyboard Hide virtual keyboard. @h1 3. Console commands clear Clear console window. clearhistory Clear commands history. showhistory Show commands history commands Show command list. time Show current time. date Show current date. echo "" Output the typed characters to the console. dump Take a dump. exec Execute custom cfg. writeconfig Write to cfg. alias "" Set a sequence of commands to be executed after a certain name. call Execute alias. ver, version Show game version. @h1 4. Debug commands d_window Show window resolution. d_sounds 1/0 Sound debugging. d_frames 1/0 Show item, entities hitboxes. d_winmsg 1/0 (?) d_monoff 1/0 Switch the work of the AI monsters. d_botoff 3/2/1/0 Switch the work of the AI bots. d_health 1/0 Toggle the display of XP in numerical form. d_player 1/0 Toggle the display of player coordinates. d_joy 1/0 (?) d_mem 1/0 Toggle the heap status display. @h2 Monsters d_monster Spawn a monster with a specific behavior. If no behavior is specified, the default behavior is set (normal). ID: 1 - Pinky 2 - Imp 3 - Zombie 4 - Shotgun Guy 5 - Cyberdemon 6 - Chaingunner 7 - Baron of Hell 8 - Hell Knight 9 - Cacodemon 10 - Lost Soul 11 - Pain Elemental 12 - Spider Mastermind 13 - Arachnotron 14 - Mancubus 15 - Revenant 16 - Arch-vile 17 - Fish 18 - Barrrel 19 - Robot 20 - Prikolist Behavior: 0 - killer 1 - maniac 2 - insane 3 - cannibal, attacks both the player and monsters 4 - good, player friendly, hostile to monsters @h1 5. Game commands pause Pause the game. endgame End game (sends to the main menu). restart Restart map. addbot, bot_add Add bot to game session. bot_addlist Add bot to game session from list. If no name is specified, adds a random bot. bot_addred Add bot to red team. bot_addblue Add bot to blue team. bot_removeall Remove all bots from game session. chat Send text to chat. teamchat Send text to team chat announce, an Display the text in the middle of the screen. game Run the game on a certain map with a certain number of players (one to two). host To get the game at a certain address, with a certain port on some map with some number of players. map Change map immediately. nextmap Announce the next map. endmap Finish the round. goodbye Finish the megawad/campaing map. suicide Suicide. spectate Spectating the game. ready Declare readiness during Survival and derivative modes. kick Kick a player with a certain nickname. kick_id Kick a player with a certain id. kick_pid Kick a player with a certain pid. ban Ban a player with a certain nickname. ban_id Ban a player with a certain id. ban_pid Ban a player with a certain pid. permban Ban a player permanently with a certain nickname. permban_id Ban a player permanently with a certain id. permban_pid Ban a player permanently with a certain pid. permban_ip Ban a player permanently by ip. unban Unban a player. connect <порт> <пароль> Connect to the server. disconnect Disconnect from the server. reconnect Reconnect to the server where you were last on. say Write in chat on behalf of the server. tell Write to the player on behalf of the server. centerprint