package import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.TimeUtils import import kotlin.math.abs import kotlin.random.Random object GameWorldGenerator { private const val BIOME_MIN_SIZE = 64 private enum class Biome { PLAINS, DESERT } private fun generateHeights(width: Int, min: Int, max: Int, random: Random) = IntArray(width).apply { set(0, (min + max) / 2) for (x in 1 until width) { val previous = get(x - 1) var d = random.nextInt(-5, 6).let { if (it !in -4..4) it / abs(it) else 0 } if (previous + d !in min..max) { d = -d } if (lastIndex - x < abs(get(0) - previous) * 3) { d = get(0).compareTo(previous).let { if (it != 0) it / abs(it) else 0 } } set(x, get(x - 1) + d) } } private fun generateBiomes(width: Int, random: Random) = buildMap { val xSequence = sequence { var lastX = 0 var count = 0 while (lastX < width - BIOME_MIN_SIZE - 1) { yield(lastX) lastX = random.nextInt(lastX + BIOME_MIN_SIZE, width) count++ } } return xSequence.associateWith { Biome.values()[random.nextInt(Biome.values().size)] } } private fun plainsBiome( foreMap: Array, backMap: Array, width: Int, height: Int, x: Int, xHeight: Int, random: Random, ) { foreMap[x][xHeight] = GameItems.getBlockId("grass") foreMap[x][height - 1] = GameItems.getBlockId("bedrock") backMap[x][xHeight] = GameItems.getBlockId("grass") backMap[x][height - 1] = GameItems.getBlockId("bedrock") for (y in xHeight + 1 until height - 1) { foreMap[x][y] = when { y < xHeight + random.nextInt(5, 8) -> GameItems.getBlockId("dirt") else -> GameItems.getBlockId("stone") } backMap[x][y] = foreMap[x][y] } } private fun desertBiome( foreMap: Array, backMap: Array, width: Int, height: Int, x: Int, xHeight: Int, random: Random, ) { foreMap[x][xHeight] = GameItems.getBlockId("sand") foreMap[x][height - 1] = GameItems.getBlockId("bedrock") backMap[x][xHeight] = GameItems.getBlockId("sand") backMap[x][height - 1] = GameItems.getBlockId("bedrock") for (y in xHeight + 1 until height - 1) { foreMap[x][y] = when { y < xHeight + random.nextInt(5, 8) -> GameItems.getBlockId("sand") else -> GameItems.getBlockId("stone") } backMap[x][y] = foreMap[x][y] } } private fun fillWater(foreMap: Array, width: Int, height: Int, waterLevel: Int) { for (x in 0 until width) { for (y in waterLevel until height) { if (foreMap[x][y] != 0) { break } foreMap[x][y] = GameItems.getBlockId("water") } } } /** * Generates world of given width and height with given seed * @param width world width * @param height world height * @param seed seed for random number generator * @return pair of foreground and background layers */ fun generate(width: Int, height: Int, seed: Long = TimeUtils.millis()): Pair, Array> { val random = Random(seed) val foreMap = Array(width) { IntArray(height) } val backMap = Array(width) { IntArray(width) } val heightsMap = generateHeights(width, height / 4, height * 3 / 4, random) val biomesMap = generateBiomes(width, random) var biome = Biome.PLAINS for (x in 0 until width) { val xHeight = heightsMap[x] biome = biomesMap[x] ?: biome when (biome) { Biome.PLAINS -> plainsBiome(foreMap, backMap, width, height, x, xHeight, random) Biome.DESERT -> desertBiome(foreMap, backMap, width, height, x, xHeight, random) } } fillWater(foreMap, width, height, height / 2) return Pair(foreMap, backMap) } }