/* * C-startup and loader for BlackBox * Implemented as the StdLoader. */ #include #include #include #include #include /* #include */ #include #include /* the exact size (in bytes) of the executable part of the file. */ /* this constant needs to be updated everytime a change is made to this file */ #define exeSize 17028 #define pageSize 4096 /* fixup types */ #define absolute 100 #define relative 101 #define copy 102 #define table 103 #define tableend 104 #define deref 105 #define halfword 106 /* import types */ #define mConst 0x1 #define mTyp 0x2 #define mVar 0x3 #define mProc 0x4 #define mExported 4 #define any 1000000 #define init 0x10000 /* set to printf to debug and donothing to avoid debugging */ #define dprintf donothing typedef void (*BodyProc)(); typedef char String[256]; typedef struct Type { int size; struct Module* mod; int id; int base[16]; /* should be ARRAY 16 OF TYPE */ int fields; /* should be Directory* */ int ptroffs[any]; } Type; typedef struct Object{ int fprint; int offs; int id; Type* ostruct; } Object; typedef struct Directory{ int num; Object obj[any]; } Directory; typedef struct Module{ /* has to be exact copy of Kernel.Module */ struct Module *next; int opts; int refcnt; short compTime[6], loadTime[6]; int ext; int term; /* actually a pointer to type Command */ int nofimps, nofptrs; int csize, dsize, rsize; int code, data, refs; int procBase, varBase; /* meta base addresses */ char* names; /* names[0] = 0X */ int* ptrs; struct Module* imports; Directory* export; char name[256]; } Module; typedef struct ImpList { struct ImpList* next; String name; } ImpList; typedef struct ModSpec { ImpList* imp; String name; int start, hs, ms, ds, cs, vs, mad, dad; } ModSpec; typedef struct BootInfo { Module* modList; int argc; char** argv; } BootInfo; const char bbfile[] = "./bb.boot"; FILE* f; int nofMods; String kernel, mainmod; ModSpec mod; Module *modlist; BootInfo* bootInfo; int newRecAdr, newArrAdr; int newRecFP, newArrFP; int zerofd; int donothing(char* fmt, ...) { } void DumpMod() { dprintf("\n\n---- Mod info:\n"); dprintf(" hs, ms, ds, cs, vs = %d, %d, %d, %d, %d\n", mod.hs, mod.ms, mod.ds, mod.cs, mod.vs); dprintf(" mad, dad = %d, %d\n\n", mod.mad, mod.dad); } void RegisterModule() { Module* m; m = (Module*)mod.dad; m->next = modlist; modlist = m; /* if (modlist == NULL){ modlist = m; } else { last->next = m; last = m; } last->next = NULL; */ dprintf("Registred module %s\n", mod.name); } void PrintMods() { Module* ml; ml = modlist; dprintf("Loaded Modules\n"); while (ml != NULL){ dprintf("mod name: %s\n", ml->name); ml = ml->next; } dprintf("end of list\n"); } Module* ThisModule(char* name) { Module* ml; ml = modlist; while ((ml != NULL) && (strcmp(ml->name, name) != 0)){ ml = ml->next; } return ml; } Object* ThisObject(Module* mod, char* name) { int l, r, m; char* p; l = 0; r = mod->export->num; while (l < r){ m = (l + r) / 2; p = (char*) &(mod->names[mod->export->obj[m].id / 256]); if (strcmp(p, name) == 0) return (Object*)&(mod->export->obj[m]); if (strcmp(p, name) < 0) l = m + 1; else r = m; } return NULL; } Object* ThisDesc(Module* mod, int fprint) { int i, n; i = 0; n = mod->export->num; while ((i < n) && (mod->export->obj[i].id / 256 == 0)) { if (mod->export->obj[i].offs == fprint) return (Object*)&(mod->export->obj[i]); i++; } return NULL; } int LoadDll (char* name) { void *handle; dprintf("loading: %s\n", name); if ((handle = dlopen(name, RTLD_LAZY + RTLD_GLOBAL)) == NULL) { printf("LoadDll: failed to load lib %s\n", name); printf(" - dlerror: %s\n", dlerror()); exit(-1); } return handle != NULL; } int ThisDllObj (int mode, int fprint, char* dll, char* name) { void *handle; int ad = 0; if ((mode == mVar) || (mode == mProc)){ if ((handle = dlopen(dll, RTLD_LAZY + RTLD_GLOBAL)) == NULL) { printf("ThisDllObj: lib %s not found\n", dll); printf(" - dlerror: %s\n", dlerror()); exit(-1); } else { ad = (int)dlsym((void *) handle, name); if (ad == 0) { printf("ThisDllObj: symbol %s not found\n", name); exit(-1); } } } return ad; } int Read4 () { unsigned char b; int w; b = fgetc(f); w = b % 256; b = fgetc(f); w = w + 0x100 * (b % 256); b = fgetc(f); w = w + 0x10000 * (b % 256); b = fgetc(f); w = w + 0x1000000 * b; return w; } int RNum() { char b; int s, y; s = 0; y = 0; b = fgetc(f); while (b < 0) { y = y + ((b + 128) << s); s = s + 7; b = fgetc(f); } return (((b + 64) % 128 - 64) << s) + y; } void ReadName (char* str) { unsigned char b; int i; i = 0; b = fgetc(f); while (b != 0) { str[i] = b; i++; b = fgetc(f); } str[i] = 0; } void Fixup (int adr) { int link, offset, linkadr, n, x, t; dprintf("fixup: %X ", adr); link = RNum(); while (link != 0) { offset = RNum(); dprintf("+%d: ", offset); while (link != 0) { if (link > 0) { dprintf("c"); linkadr = mod.mad + mod.ms + link; } else { dprintf("d"); link = -link; if (link < mod.ms) linkadr = mod.mad + link; else linkadr = mod.dad + link - mod.ms; } dprintf("%X ", link); /* t = *(char*)(linkadr + 3); n = *(int*)linkadr; n = n << 8; n = n >> 8; */ x = *(int*)linkadr; t = x / 0x1000000; n = (x + 0x800000) % 0x1000000 - 0x800000; switch (t) { case absolute: x = adr + offset; break; case relative: x = adr + offset - linkadr -4; break; case copy: x = *(int*)(adr + offset); break; case table: x = adr + n; n = link + 4; break; case tableend: x = adr + n; n = 0; break; case deref: x = *(int*)(adr + 2); x = x + offset; break; case halfword: printf("fixup: halfword not implemented\n"); break; default: printf("fixup error(link=%d, offset=%d, linkadr=%d, t=%d, x=%d)\n", link, offset, linkadr, t, x); return; } *(int*)linkadr = x; link = n; } link = RNum(); } dprintf("\n"); } int ReadBootHeader() { int tag, version; fseek(f, exeSize, SEEK_SET); tag = Read4(); version = Read4(); if ((tag != 0x3A4B5C6D) || (version != 0)) { return 0; } nofMods = Read4(); dprintf("Linked modules: %d\n", nofMods); ReadName(kernel); dprintf("kernel: %s\n", kernel); ReadName(mainmod); dprintf("main: %s\n", mainmod); newRecFP = Read4(); newRecAdr = 0; newArrFP = Read4(); newArrAdr = 0; mod.start = ftell(f); return 1; } void * MEMALLOC (size_t len) { void * res; res = mmap(0, len, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANON, zerofd, 0); if (res == MAP_FAILED) { res = NULL; } else { bzero(res, len); } return res; } int ReadHeader () { int ofTag, i, nofImps, processor; char str[80]; ImpList *imp, *last; char* n; ofTag = Read4(); if (ofTag != 0x6F4F4346) { printf("wrong object file version\n"); return 0; } processor = Read4(); mod.hs = Read4(); mod.ms = Read4(); mod.ds = Read4(); mod.cs = Read4(); mod.vs = Read4(); dprintf("File tag: %d ", ofTag); dprintf("Processor: %d\n", processor); dprintf("Header size: %d ", mod.hs); dprintf("Meta size: %d ", mod.ms); dprintf("Desc size: %d ", mod.ds ); dprintf("Code size: %d ", mod.cs); dprintf("Data size: %d\n", mod.vs); nofImps = RNum(); dprintf("Nof imports: %d\n", nofImps); ReadName(mod.name); dprintf("Module name: %s\n", mod.name); mod.imp = NULL; for (i = 0; i < nofImps; i++) { imp = (ImpList*)MEMALLOC(sizeof(ImpList)); ReadName(imp->name); if (mod.imp == NULL) mod.imp = imp; else last->next = imp; last = imp; last->next = NULL; dprintf("Import %d: %s\n", i, imp->name); if ((imp->name[0] == '$') && (imp->name[1] == '$')) strcpy(imp->name, "Kernel"); if (imp->name[0] == '$'){ n = imp->name; n++; if (!LoadDll(n)){ printf("Could not load lib: %s\n", (char *)(&(imp->name[1]))); return 0; } } } dprintf("Pos: %d\n", ftell(f)); return 1; } int ReadModule () { char *dp, *mp; unsigned int cnt; ImpList* imp; int x, fp, opt, link, ofp, imptab, a; Module *desc, *k; String name; Object* obj; int isLib; char* im; mod.dad = (int) MEMALLOC(mod.ds); mod.mad = (int) MEMALLOC(mod.ms + mod.cs + mod.vs); if ((mod.dad == 0) || (mod.mad == 0)) { printf("BootLoader: Couldn't initalize heap\n"); free((void*)mod.dad); free((void*)mod.mad); return 0; } dp = (char*) mod.dad; mp = (char*) mod.mad; fseek(f, mod.start + mod.hs, SEEK_SET); dprintf("ReadModule after fseek pos: %d\n", ftell(f)); cnt = fread(mp, 1, mod.ms, f); dprintf("Read meta bulk (%d bytes. New pos: %d)\n", cnt, ftell(f)); cnt = fread(dp, 1, mod.ds, f); dprintf("Read desc bulk (%d bytes. New pos: %d)\n", cnt, ftell(f)); mp = (char*)(mod.mad + mod.ms); cnt = fread(mp, 1, mod.cs, f); dprintf("Read code bulk (%d bytes. New pos: %d)\n", cnt, ftell(f)); DumpMod(); dprintf("before fixup: pos = %d\n", ftell(f)); if ((!newRecAdr) || (!newArrAdr)){ k = ThisModule(kernel); if (k != NULL){ /* obj = ThisDesc(k, newRecFP);*/ obj = ThisObject(k, "NewRec"); if (obj != NULL) newRecAdr = k->procBase + obj->offs; /* obj = ThisDesc(k, newArrFP);*/ obj = ThisObject(k, "NewArr"); if (obj != NULL) newArrAdr = k->procBase + obj->offs; dprintf("newRecFP: %X newArrFP: %X\n", newRecFP, newArrFP); dprintf("newRecAdr: %X newArrAdr: %X\n", newRecAdr, newArrAdr); } else { dprintf("no kernel before %s.\n", mod.name); } } Fixup(newRecAdr); Fixup(newArrAdr); Fixup(mod.mad); Fixup(mod.dad); Fixup(mod.mad + mod.ms); Fixup(mod.mad + mod.ms + mod.cs); dprintf("after fixup: pos = %d\n", ftell(f)); imp = mod.imp; imptab = (int)((Module*)(mod.dad))->imports; while (imp != NULL){ x = RNum(); if ((imp->name[0] == '$') && (imp->name[1] == '$')) printf("should be Kerneln"); if (imp->name[0] == '$') isLib = 1; else{ isLib = 0; desc = ThisModule(imp->name); if (desc == NULL){ printf("invalid import list\n"); return 0; } } while (x != 0) { ReadName(name); fp = RNum(); opt = 0; if (!isLib) { if (name[0] == 0) obj = ThisDesc(desc, fp); else obj = ThisObject(desc, name); if ((obj != NULL) && (obj->id % 16 == x)){ ofp = obj->fprint; switch (x){ case mTyp: opt = RNum(); if (opt % 2 == 1) ofp = obj->offs; if ((opt > 1) && ((obj->id / 16) % 16 != mExported)){ printf("object not found (%s)\n", imp->name); return 0; } Fixup((int)obj->ostruct); break; case mVar: Fixup(desc->varBase + obj->offs); break; case mProc: Fixup(desc->procBase + obj->offs); } if (ofp != fp){ printf("illigal foot print (%s)\n", imp->name); return 0; } } else { if (obj == NULL) printf("obj == NULL\n"); printf("descriptor not found (%s, x: %d, id: %d)\n", name, x, obj->id); return 0; } }else{ if ((x == mVar) || (x == mProc)){ im = imp->name; im++; a = ThisDllObj(x, fp, im, name); if (a != 0) Fixup(a); else{ printf("ReadModule: Object not found: %s\n", name); return 0; } } else { if (x == mTyp) { opt = RNum(); x = RNum(); if (x != 0) { printf("ReadModule: Object not found: %s\n", name); return 0; } } } } x = RNum(); } *(int*)imptab = (int)desc; imptab += 4; imp = imp->next; } mod.start = ftell(f); return 1; } int MOD (int x, int y) { int res; if (x >= 0) { res = x % y; } else { res = x - y * ((x + 1) / y - 1); } return res; } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, ok; BodyProc body; int callBackAdr; Module *k, *m; zerofd = open("/dev/zero", O_RDWR); if (zerofd == -1) { printf("open /dev/zero failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return 101; } modlist = NULL; dprintf("initializing BlackBox for Linux...\n"); /*f = fopen(bbfile, "rb");*/ f = fopen(argv[0], "r"); if (f != NULL) { if (ReadBootHeader()) { i = 0; ok = 1; while ((i < nofMods) && (ok)){ ok = ReadHeader(); if (ok) { ok = ReadModule(); if (ok) RegisterModule(); else printf("Incorrect module: %s\n", mod.name); } else printf("Incorrect header: %s\n", mod.name); i++; } fclose(f); if (ok) { k = ThisModule(kernel); m = ThisModule(mainmod); if (k == NULL) printf("no kernel\n"); else { if (m == NULL) printf("no main module"); else { /* assign the boot info to first variable in Kernel */ bootInfo = MEMALLOC(sizeof(BootInfo)); bootInfo->modList = modlist; bootInfo->argc = argc; bootInfo->argv = argv; *((int*)(k->varBase)) = (int)bootInfo; dprintf("before body\n"); body = (BodyProc)(m->code); k->opts = k->opts | init; /* include init in opts */ /* ok = mprotect( (void *)(((m->code) / pageSize) * pageSize), (((m->csize) + MOD(m->code, pageSize) - 1) / pageSize) * pageSize + pageSize, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE|PROT_EXEC); if (ok != 0){ printf("mprotect failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return 100; } */ body(); dprintf("after body\n"); } } PrintMods(); } } else printf("Invalid BlackBox executable, make sure that the constant exeSize is correctly set\n"); } else printf("Couldn't find file: %s\n", bbfile); }