(* FreeBSD 9.0 /usr/include/machine/signal.h *) sc_mask*: sigset_t; (* signal mask to restore *) sc_onstack*: int; (* sigstack state to restore *) sc_gs*: int; (* machine state (struct trapframe) *) sc_fs*: int; sc_es*: int; sc_ds*: int; sc_edi*: int; sc_esi*: int; sc_ebp*: int; sc_isp*: int; sc_ebx*: int; sc_edx*: int; sc_ecx*: int; sc_eax*: int; sc_trapno*: int; sc_err*: int; sc_eip*: int; sc_cs*: int; sc_efl*: int; sc_esp*: int; sc_ss*: int; sc_len*: int; (* sizeof(mcontext_t) *) (* * XXX - See and for * the following fields. *) sc_fpformat: int; sc_ownedfp: int; sc_spare1: ARRAY [untagged] 1 OF int; sc_fpstate: ARRAY [untagged] 128 OF int; (* FIXME: __aligned(16) *) sc_fsbase: int; sc_gsbase: int; sc_spare2: ARRAY 6 OF int;