fix endless loop on map downloading
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / shared / binheap.pas
1 (* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers
2 *
3 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
6 * (at your option) any later version.
7 *
8 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 * GNU General Public License for more details.
12 *
13 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
15 *)
17 // binary heap
18 unit binheap;
20 interface
23 (*
24 * CmpObjT: class that contains class methods:
25 * class function less (const[ref] a, b: KeyT): Boolean;
26 *)
27 type
28 // WARNING! don't put structures into heap, use ponters or ids!
29 generic TBinaryHeapBase<ITP, CmpObjT> = class(TObject)
30 private
31 elem: array of ITP;
32 elemUsed: Integer;
34 private
35 procedure heapify (root: Integer);
37 public
38 constructor Create ();
39 destructor Destroy (); override;
41 procedure clear ();
43 procedure insert (val: ITP);
45 function front (): ITP;
46 procedure popFront ();
48 property count: Integer read elemUsed;
49 end;
52 type
53 TBinHeapKeyIntLess = class
54 public
55 class function less (const a, b: Integer): Boolean; inline;
56 end;
58 TBinHeapKeyIntGreat = class
59 public
60 class function less (const a, b: Integer): Boolean; inline;
61 end;
64 type
65 TBinaryHeapIntLess = specialize TBinaryHeapBase<Integer, TBinHeapKeyIntLess>;
66 TBinaryHeapIntGreat = specialize TBinaryHeapBase<Integer, TBinHeapKeyIntGreat>;
69 implementation
71 uses
72 SysUtils;
75 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
76 class function TBinHeapKeyIntLess.less (const a, b: Integer): Boolean; inline; begin result := (a < b); end;
77 class function TBinHeapKeyIntGreat.less (const a, b: Integer): Boolean; inline; begin result := (a > b); end;
80 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
81 constructor TBinaryHeapBase.Create ();
82 begin
83 SetLength(elem, 128); // 'cause why not?
84 elemUsed := 0;
85 end;
88 destructor TBinaryHeapBase.Destroy ();
89 begin
90 elem := nil;
91 inherited;
92 end;
95 procedure TBinaryHeapBase.clear ();
96 begin
97 elemUsed := 0;
98 end;
101 procedure TBinaryHeapBase.heapify (root: Integer);
102 var
103 smallest, right: Integer;
104 tmp: ITP;
105 begin
106 while true do
107 begin
108 smallest := 2*root+1; // left child
109 if (smallest >= elemUsed) then break; // anyway
110 right := smallest+1; // right child
111 if not CmpObjT.less(elem[smallest], elem[root]) then smallest := root;
112 if (right < elemUsed) and (CmpObjT.less(elem[right], elem[smallest])) then smallest := right;
113 if (smallest = root) then break;
114 // swap
115 tmp := elem[root];
116 elem[root] := elem[smallest];
117 elem[smallest] := tmp;
118 root := smallest;
119 end;
120 end;
123 procedure TBinaryHeapBase.insert (val: ITP);
124 var
125 i, par: Integer;
126 begin
127 //if (val = nil) then exit;
128 i := elemUsed;
129 // grow?
130 if (i = Length(elem)) then
131 begin
132 if (i <= 65536) then par := i*2 else par := i+65536; // arbitrary numbers
133 SetLength(elem, par);
134 end;
135 // increase counter
136 Inc(elemUsed);
137 // insert element
138 while (i <> 0) do
139 begin
140 par := (i-1) div 2; // parent
141 if not CmpObjT.less(val, elem[par]) then break;
142 elem[i] := elem[par];
143 i := par;
144 end;
145 elem[i] := val;
146 end;
148 function TBinaryHeapBase.front (): ITP;
149 begin
150 if elemUsed > 0 then result := elem[0] else result := Default(ITP);
151 end;
154 procedure TBinaryHeapBase.popFront ();
155 begin
156 if (elemUsed > 0) then
157 begin
158 Dec(elemUsed);
159 elem[0] := elem[elemUsed];
160 heapify(0);
161 end;
162 end;
165 end.