render: completely remove opengl calls form game code
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / lib / vampimg / ImagingRadiance.pas
1 {
2 Vampyre Imaging Library
3 by Marek Mauder
6 The contents of this file are used with permission, subject to the Mozilla
7 Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
8 in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
11 Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
12 WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
13 the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
15 Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
16 GNU Lesser General Public License (the "LGPL License"), in which case the
17 provisions of the LGPL License are applicable instead of those above.
18 If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms
19 of the LGPL License and not to allow others to use your version of this file
20 under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and
21 replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the LGPL
22 License. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use
23 your version of this file under either the MPL or the LGPL License.
25 For more information about the LGPL:
26 }
28 { This unit contains image format loader/saver for Radiance HDR/RGBE images.}
29 unit ImagingRadiance;
31 {$I}
33 interface
35 uses
36 SysUtils, Classes, Imaging, ImagingTypes, ImagingUtility;
38 type
39 { Radiance is a suite of tools for performing lighting simulation. It's
40 development started in 1985 and it pioneered the concept of
41 high dynamic range imaging. Radiance defined an image format for storing
42 HDR images, now described as RGBE image format. Since it was the first
43 HDR image format, this format is supported by many other software packages.
45 Radiance image file consists of three sections: a header, resolution string,
46 followed by the pixel data. Each pixel is stored as 4 bytes, one byte
47 mantissa for each r, g, b and a shared one byte exponent.
48 The pixel data may be stored uncompressed or using run length encoding.
50 Imaging translates RGBE pixels to original float values and stores them
51 in ifR32G32B32F data format. It can read both compressed and uncompressed
52 files, and saves files as compressed.}
53 THdrFileFormat = class(TImageFileFormat)
54 protected
55 procedure Define; override;
56 function LoadData(Handle: TImagingHandle; var Images: TDynImageDataArray;
57 OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean): Boolean; override;
58 function SaveData(Handle: TImagingHandle; const Images: TDynImageDataArray;
59 Index: LongInt): Boolean; override;
60 procedure ConvertToSupported(var Image: TImageData;
61 const Info: TImageFormatInfo); override;
62 public
63 function TestFormat(Handle: TImagingHandle): Boolean; override;
64 end;
66 implementation
68 uses
69 Math, ImagingIO;
71 const
72 SHdrFormatName = 'Radiance HDR/RGBE';
73 SHdrMasks = '*.hdr';
74 HdrSupportedFormats: TImageFormats = [ifR32G32B32F];
76 type
77 TSignature = array[0..9] of AnsiChar;
78 THdrFormat = (hfRgb, hfXyz);
80 THdrHeader = record
81 Format: THdrFormat;
82 Width: Integer;
83 Height: Integer;
84 end;
86 TRgbe = packed record
87 R, G, B, E: Byte;
88 end;
89 PRgbe = ^TRgbe;
90 TDynRgbeArray = array of TRgbe;
92 const
93 RadianceSignature: TSignature = '#?RADIANCE';
94 RgbeSignature: TSignature = '#?RGBE';
95 MaxLineLength = 256;
96 SFmtRgbeRle = '32-bit_rle_rgbe';
97 SFmtXyzeRle = '32-bit_rle_xyze';
99 resourcestring
100 SErrorBadHeader = 'Bad HDR/RGBE header format.';
101 SWrongScanLineWidth = 'Wrong scanline width.';
102 SXyzNotSupported = 'XYZ color space not supported.';
104 { THdrFileFormat }
106 procedure THdrFileFormat.Define;
107 begin
108 inherited;
109 FName := SHdrFormatName;
110 FFeatures := [ffLoad, ffSave];
111 FSupportedFormats := HdrSupportedFormats;
113 AddMasks(SHdrMasks);
114 end;
116 function THdrFileFormat.LoadData(Handle: TImagingHandle;
117 var Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean): Boolean;
118 var
119 Header: THdrHeader;
120 IO: TIOFunctions;
122 function ReadHeader: Boolean;
123 const
124 CommentIds: TAnsiCharSet = ['#', '!'];
125 var
126 Line: AnsiString;
127 HasResolution: Boolean;
128 Count, Idx: Integer;
129 ValStr, NativeLine: string;
130 ValFloat: Double;
131 begin
132 Result := False;
133 HasResolution := False;
134 Count := 0;
136 repeat
137 if not ReadLine(IO, Handle, Line) then
138 Exit;
140 Inc(Count);
141 if Count > 16 then // Too long header for HDR
142 Exit;
144 if Length(Line) = 0 then
145 Continue;
146 if Line[1] in CommentIds then
147 Continue;
149 NativeLine := string(Line);
151 if StrMaskMatch(NativeLine, 'Format=*') then
152 begin
153 // Data format parsing
154 ValStr := Copy(NativeLine, 8, MaxInt);
155 if ValStr = SFmtRgbeRle then
156 Header.Format := hfRgb
157 else if ValStr = SFmtXyzeRle then
158 Header.Format := hfXyz
159 else
160 Exit;
161 end;
163 if StrMaskMatch(NativeLine, 'Gamma=*') then
164 begin
165 ValStr := Copy(NativeLine, 7, MaxInt);
166 if TryStrToFloat(ValStr, ValFloat, GetFormatSettingsForFloats) then
167 FMetadata.SetMetaItem(SMetaGamma, ValFloat);
168 end;
170 if StrMaskMatch(NativeLine, 'Exposure=*') then
171 begin
172 ValStr := Copy(NativeLine, 10, MaxInt);
173 if TryStrToFloat(ValStr, ValFloat, GetFormatSettingsForFloats) then
174 FMetadata.SetMetaItem(SMetaExposure, ValFloat);
175 end;
177 if StrMaskMatch(NativeLine, '?Y * ?X *') then
178 begin
179 Idx := Pos('X', NativeLine);
180 ValStr := SubString(NativeLine, 4, Idx - 2);
181 if not TryStrToInt(ValStr, Header.Height) then
182 Exit;
183 ValStr := Copy(NativeLine, Idx + 2, MaxInt);
184 if not TryStrToInt(ValStr, Header.Width) then
185 Exit;
187 if (NativeLine[1] = '-') then
188 Header.Height := -Header.Height;
189 if (NativeLine[Idx - 1] = '-') then
190 Header.Width := -Header.Width;
192 HasResolution := True;
193 end;
195 until HasResolution;
196 Result := True;
197 end;
199 procedure DecodeRgbe(const Src: TRgbe; Dest: PColor96FPRec); {$IFDEF USE_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF}
200 var
201 Mult: Single;
202 begin
203 if Src.E > 0 then
204 begin
205 Mult := Math.Ldexp(1, Src.E - 128);
206 Dest.R := Src.R / 255 * Mult;
207 Dest.G := Src.G / 255 * Mult;
208 Dest.B := Src.B / 255 * Mult;
209 end
210 else
211 begin
212 Dest.R := 0;
213 Dest.G := 0;
214 Dest.B := 0;
215 end;
216 end;
218 procedure ReadCompressedLine(Width, Y: Integer; var DestBuffer: TDynRgbeArray);
219 var
220 Pos: Integer;
221 I, X, Count: Integer;
222 Code, Value: Byte;
223 LineBuff: TDynByteArray;
224 Rgbe: TRgbe;
225 Ptr: PByte;
226 begin
227 SetLength(LineBuff, Width);
228 IO.Read(Handle, @Rgbe, SizeOf(Rgbe));
230 if ((Rgbe.B shl 8) or Rgbe.E) <> Width then
231 RaiseImaging(SWrongScanLineWidth);
233 for I := 0 to 3 do
234 begin
235 Pos := 0;
236 while Pos < Width do
237 begin
238 IO.Read(Handle, @Code, SizeOf(Byte));
239 if Code > 128 then
240 begin
241 Count := Code - 128;
242 IO.Read(Handle, @Value, SizeOf(Byte));
243 FillMemoryByte(@LineBuff[Pos], Count, Value);
244 end
245 else
246 begin
247 Count := Code;
248 IO.Read(Handle, @LineBuff[Pos], Count * SizeOf(Byte));
249 end;
250 Inc(Pos, Count);
251 end;
253 Ptr := @PByteArray(@DestBuffer[0])[I];
254 for X := 0 to Width - 1 do
255 begin
256 Ptr^ := LineBuff[X];
257 Inc(Ptr, 4);
258 end;
259 end;
260 end;
262 procedure ReadPixels(var Image: TImageData);
263 var
264 Y, X, SrcLineLen: Integer;
265 Dest: PColor96FPRec;
266 Compressed: Boolean;
267 Rgbe: TRgbe;
268 Buffer: TDynRgbeArray;
269 begin
270 Dest := Image.Bits;
271 Compressed := not ((Image.Width < 8) or (Image.Width > $7FFFF));
272 SrcLineLen := Image.Width * SizeOf(TRgbe);
274 IO.Read(Handle, @Rgbe, SizeOf(Rgbe));
275 IO.Seek(Handle, -SizeOf(Rgbe), smFromCurrent);
277 if (Rgbe.R <> 2) or (Rgbe.G <> 2) or ((Rgbe.B and 128) > 0) then
278 Compressed := False;
280 SetLength(Buffer, Image.Width);
282 for Y := 0 to Image.Height - 1 do
283 begin
284 if Compressed then
285 ReadCompressedLine(Image.Width, Y, Buffer)
286 else
287 IO.Read(Handle, @Buffer[0], SrcLineLen);
289 for X := 0 to Image.Width - 1 do
290 begin
291 DecodeRgbe(Buffer[X], Dest);
292 Inc(Dest);
293 end;
294 end;
295 end;
297 begin
298 IO := GetIO;
299 SetLength(Images, 1);
301 // Read header, allocate new image and, then read and convert the pixels
302 if not ReadHeader then
303 RaiseImaging(SErrorBadHeader);
304 if (Header.Format = hfXyz) then
305 RaiseImaging(SXyzNotSupported);
307 NewImage(Abs(Header.Width), Abs(Header.Height), ifR32G32B32F, Images[0]);
308 ReadPixels(Images[0]);
310 // Flip/mirror the image as needed (height < 0 is default top-down)
311 if Header.Width < 0 then
312 MirrorImage(Images[0]);
313 if Header.Height > 0 then
314 FlipImage(Images[0]);
316 Result := True;
317 end;
319 function THdrFileFormat.SaveData(Handle: TImagingHandle;
320 const Images: TDynImageDataArray; Index: Integer): Boolean;
321 const
322 LineEnd = #$0A;
323 SPrgComment = '#Made with Vampyre Imaging Library';
324 SSizeFmt = '-Y %d +X %d';
325 var
326 ImageToSave: TImageData;
327 MustBeFreed: Boolean;
328 IO: TIOFunctions;
330 procedure SaveHeader;
331 begin
332 WriteLine(IO, Handle, RadianceSignature, LineEnd);
333 WriteLine(IO, Handle, SPrgComment, LineEnd);
334 WriteLine(IO, Handle, 'FORMAT=' + SFmtRgbeRle, LineEnd + LineEnd);
335 WriteLine(IO, Handle, AnsiString(Format(SSizeFmt, [ImageToSave.Height, ImageToSave.Width])), LineEnd);
336 end;
338 procedure EncodeRgbe(const Src: TColor96FPRec; var DestR, DestG, DestB, DestE: Byte); {$IFDEF USE_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF}
339 var
340 V, M: {$IFDEF FPC}Float{$ELSE}Extended{$ENDIF};
341 E: Integer;
342 begin
343 V := Src.R;
344 if (Src.G > V) then
345 V := Src.G;
346 if (Src.B > V) then
347 V := Src.B;
349 if V < 1e-32 then
350 begin
351 DestR := 0;
352 DestG := 0;
353 DestB := 0;
354 DestE := 0;
355 end
356 else
357 begin
358 Frexp(V, M, E);
359 V := M * 256.0 / V;
360 DestR := ClampToByte(Round(Src.R * V));
361 DestG := ClampToByte(Round(Src.G * V));
362 DestB := ClampToByte(Round(Src.B * V));
363 DestE := ClampToByte(E + 128);
364 end;
365 end;
367 procedure WriteRleLine(const Line: array of Byte; Width: Integer);
368 const
369 MinRunLength = 4;
370 var
371 Cur, BeginRun, RunCount, OldRunCount, NonRunCount: Integer;
372 Buf: array[0..1] of Byte;
373 begin
374 Cur := 0;
375 while Cur < Width do
376 begin
377 BeginRun := Cur;
378 RunCount := 0;
379 OldRunCount := 0;
380 while (RunCount < MinRunLength) and (BeginRun < Width) do
381 begin
382 Inc(BeginRun, RunCount);
383 OldRunCount := RunCount;
384 RunCount := 1;
385 while (BeginRun + RunCount < Width) and (RunCount < 127) and (Line[BeginRun] = Line[BeginRun + RunCount]) do
386 Inc(RunCount);
387 end;
388 if (OldRunCount > 1) and (OldRunCount = BeginRun - Cur) then
389 begin
390 Buf[0] := 128 + OldRunCount;
391 Buf[1] := Line[Cur];
392 IO.Write(Handle, @Buf, 2);
393 Cur := BeginRun;
394 end;
395 while Cur < BeginRun do
396 begin
397 NonRunCount := Min(128, BeginRun - Cur);
398 Buf[0] := NonRunCount;
399 IO.Write(Handle, @Buf, 1);
400 IO.Write(Handle, @Line[Cur], NonRunCount);
401 Inc(Cur, NonRunCount);
402 end;
403 if RunCount >= MinRunLength then
404 begin
405 Buf[0] := 128 + RunCount;
406 Buf[1] := Line[BeginRun];
407 IO.Write(Handle, @Buf, 2);
408 Inc(Cur, RunCount);
409 end;
410 end;
411 end;
413 procedure SavePixels;
414 var
415 Y, X, I, Width: Integer;
416 SrcPtr: PColor96FPRecArray;
417 Components: array of array of Byte;
418 StartLine: array[0..3] of Byte;
419 begin
420 Width := ImageToSave.Width;
421 // Save using RLE, each component is compressed separately
422 SetLength(Components, 4, Width);
424 for Y := 0 to ImageToSave.Height - 1 do
425 begin
426 SrcPtr := @PColor96FPRecArray(ImageToSave.Bits)[ImageToSave.Width * Y];
428 // Identify line as using "new" RLE scheme (separate components)
429 StartLine[0] := 2;
430 StartLine[1] := 2;
431 StartLine[2] := Width shr 8;
432 StartLine[3] := Width and $FF;
433 IO.Write(Handle, @StartLine, SizeOf(StartLine));
435 for X := 0 to Width - 1 do
436 begin
437 EncodeRgbe(SrcPtr[X], Components[0, X], Components[1, X],
438 Components[2, X], Components[3, X]);
439 end;
441 for I := 0 to 3 do
442 WriteRleLine(Components[I], Width);
443 end;
444 end;
446 begin
447 Result := False;
448 IO := GetIO;
449 // Makes image to save compatible with Jpeg saving capabilities
450 if MakeCompatible(Images[Index], ImageToSave, MustBeFreed) then
451 with ImageToSave do
452 try
453 // Save header
454 SaveHeader;
455 // Save uncompressed pixels
456 SavePixels;
457 finally
458 if MustBeFreed then
459 FreeImage(ImageToSave);
460 end;
461 end;
463 procedure THdrFileFormat.ConvertToSupported(var Image: TImageData;
464 const Info: TImageFormatInfo);
465 begin
466 ConvertImage(Image, ifR32G32B32F);
467 end;
469 function THdrFileFormat.TestFormat(Handle: TImagingHandle): Boolean;
470 var
471 FileSig: TSignature;
472 ReadCount: Integer;
473 begin
474 Result := False;
475 if Handle <> nil then
476 begin
477 ReadCount := GetIO.Read(Handle, @FileSig, SizeOf(FileSig));
478 GetIO.Seek(Handle, -ReadCount, smFromCurrent);
479 Result := (ReadCount = SizeOf(FileSig)) and
480 ((FileSig = RadianceSignature) or CompareMem(@FileSig, @RgbeSignature, 6));
481 end;
482 end;
484 initialization
485 RegisterImageFileFormat(THdrFileFormat);
488 File Notes:
490 -- 0.77.1 ---------------------------------------------------
491 - Added RLE compression to saving.
492 - Added image saving.
493 - Unit created with initial stuff (loading only).
497 end.