added forgotten jpeg support
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / lib / vampimg / ImagingComponents.pas
1 {
2 $Id: ImagingComponents.pas 171 2009-09-02 01:34:19Z galfar $
3 Vampyre Imaging Library
4 by Marek Mauder
7 The contents of this file are used with permission, subject to the Mozilla
8 Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
9 in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
12 Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
13 WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
14 the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
16 Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
17 GNU Lesser General Public License (the "LGPL License"), in which case the
18 provisions of the LGPL License are applicable instead of those above.
19 If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms
20 of the LGPL License and not to allow others to use your version of this file
21 under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and
22 replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the LGPL
23 License. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use
24 your version of this file under either the MPL or the LGPL License.
26 For more information about the LGPL:
27 }
29 { This unit contains VCL/LCL TGraphic descendant which uses Imaging library
30 for saving and loading.}
31 unit ImagingComponents;
33 {$I}
35 interface
39 {$ENDIF}
41 {$IF not Defined(COMPONENT_SET_LCL) and not Defined(COMPONENT_SET_VCL)}
42 // If no component sets should be used just include empty unit.
44 implementation
46 {$ELSE}
48 uses
49 SysUtils, Types, Classes,
51 Windows,
52 {$ENDIF}
54 Graphics,
55 {$ENDIF}
57 InterfaceBase,
58 GraphType,
59 Graphics,
60 LCLType,
61 LCLIntf,
62 {$ENDIF}
63 ImagingTypes, Imaging, ImagingClasses;
65 type
66 { Graphic class which uses Imaging to load images.
67 It has standard TBitmap class as ancestor and it can
68 Assign also to/from TImageData structres and TBaseImage
69 classes. For saving is uses inherited TBitmap methods.
70 This class is automatically registered to TPicture for all
71 file extensions supported by Imaging (useful only for loading).
72 If you just want to load images in various formats you can use this
73 class or simply use TPicture.LoadFromXXX which will create this class
74 automatically. For TGraphic class that saves with Imaging look
75 at TImagingGraphicForSave class.}
76 TImagingGraphic = class(TBitmap)
77 protected
78 procedure ReadDataFromStream(Stream: TStream); virtual;
79 procedure AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); override;
80 public
81 constructor Create; override;
83 { Loads new image from the stream. It can load all image
84 file formats supported by Imaging (and enabled of course)
85 even though it is called by descendant class capable of
86 saving only one file format.}
87 procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); override;
88 { Copies the image contained in Source to this graphic object.
89 Supports also TBaseImage descendants from ImagingClasses unit. }
90 procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
91 { Copies the image contained in TBaseImage to this graphic object.}
92 procedure AssignFromImage(Image: TBaseImage);
93 { Copies the current image to TBaseImage object.}
94 procedure AssignToImage(Image: TBaseImage);
95 { Copies the image contained in TImageData structure to this graphic object.}
96 procedure AssignFromImageData(const ImageData: TImageData);
97 { Copies the current image to TImageData structure.}
98 procedure AssignToImageData(var ImageData: TImageData);
99 end;
101 TImagingGraphicClass = class of TImagingGraphic;
103 { Base class for file format specific TGraphic classes that use
104 Imaging for saving. Each descendant class can load all file formats
105 supported by Imaging but save only one format (TImagingBitmap
106 for *.bmp, TImagingJpeg for *.jpg). Format specific classes also
107 allow easy access to Imaging options that affect saving of files
108 (they are properties here).}
109 TImagingGraphicForSave = class(TImagingGraphic)
110 protected
111 FDefaultFileExt: string;
112 FSavingFormat: TImageFormat;
113 procedure WriteDataToStream(Stream: TStream); virtual;
114 public
115 constructor Create; override;
116 { Saves the current image to the stream. It is saved in the
117 file format according to the DefaultFileExt property.
118 So each descendant class can save some other file format.}
119 procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); override;
120 { Returns TImageFileFormat descendant for this graphic class.}
121 class function GetFileFormat: TImageFileFormat; virtual; abstract;
123 { Returns file extensions of this graphic class.}
124 class function GetFileExtensions: string; override;
125 { Returns default MIME type of this graphic class.}
126 function GetMimeType: string; override;
127 {$ENDIF}
128 { Default (the most common) file extension of this graphic class.}
129 property DefaultFileExt: string read FDefaultFileExt;
130 end;
132 TImagingGraphicForSaveClass = class of TImagingGraphicForSave;
135 { TImagingGraphic descendant for loading/saving Windows bitmaps.
136 VCL/CLX/LCL all have native support for bitmaps so you might
137 want to disable this class (although you can save bitmaps with
138 RLE compression with this class).}
139 TImagingBitmap = class(TImagingGraphicForSave)
140 protected
141 FUseRLE: Boolean;
142 public
143 constructor Create; override;
144 procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); override;
145 class function GetFileFormat: TImageFileFormat; override;
146 { See ImagingBitmapRLE option for details.}
147 property UseRLE: Boolean read FUseRLE write FUseRLE;
148 end;
149 {$ENDIF}
152 { TImagingGraphic descendant for loading/saving JPEG images.}
153 TImagingJpeg = class(TImagingGraphicForSave)
154 protected
155 FQuality: LongInt;
156 FProgressive: Boolean;
157 public
158 constructor Create; override;
159 procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); override;
160 class function GetFileFormat: TImageFileFormat; override;
162 function GetMimeType: string; override;
163 {$ENDIF}
164 { See ImagingJpegQuality option for details.}
165 property Quality: LongInt read FQuality write FQuality;
166 { See ImagingJpegProgressive option for details.}
167 property Progressive: Boolean read FProgressive write FProgressive;
168 end;
169 {$ENDIF}
172 { TImagingGraphic descendant for loading/saving PNG images.}
173 TImagingPNG = class(TImagingGraphicForSave)
174 protected
175 FPreFilter: LongInt;
176 FCompressLevel: LongInt;
177 public
178 constructor Create; override;
179 procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); override;
180 class function GetFileFormat: TImageFileFormat; override;
181 { See ImagingPNGPreFilter option for details.}
182 property PreFilter: LongInt read FPreFilter write FPreFilter;
183 { See ImagingPNGCompressLevel option for details.}
184 property CompressLevel: LongInt read FCompressLevel write FCompressLevel;
185 end;
186 {$ENDIF}
189 { TImagingGraphic descendant for loading/saving GIF images.}
190 TImagingGIF = class(TImagingGraphicForSave)
191 public
192 class function GetFileFormat: TImageFileFormat; override;
193 end;
194 {$ENDIF}
197 { TImagingGraphic descendant for loading/saving Targa images.}
198 TImagingTarga = class(TImagingGraphicForSave)
199 protected
200 FUseRLE: Boolean;
201 public
202 constructor Create; override;
203 procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); override;
204 class function GetFileFormat: TImageFileFormat; override;
205 { See ImagingTargaRLE option for details.}
206 property UseRLE: Boolean read FUseRLE write FUseRLE;
207 end;
208 {$ENDIF}
211 { Compresssion type used when saving DDS files by TImagingDds.}
212 TDDSCompresion = (dcNone, dcDXT1, dcDXT3, dcDXT5);
214 { TImagingGraphic descendant for loading/saving DDS images.}
215 TImagingDDS = class(TImagingGraphicForSave)
216 protected
217 FCompression: TDDSCompresion;
218 public
219 constructor Create; override;
220 procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); override;
221 class function GetFileFormat: TImageFileFormat; override;
222 { You can choose compression type used when saving DDS file.
223 dcNone means that file will be saved in the current bitmaps pixel format.}
224 property Compression: TDDSCompresion read FCompression write FCompression;
225 end;
226 {$ENDIF}
229 { TImagingGraphic descendant for loading/saving MNG images.}
230 TImagingMNG = class(TImagingGraphicForSave)
231 protected
232 FLossyCompression: Boolean;
233 FLossyAlpha: Boolean;
234 FPreFilter: LongInt;
235 FCompressLevel: LongInt;
236 FQuality: LongInt;
237 FProgressive: Boolean;
238 public
239 constructor Create; override;
240 procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); override;
241 class function GetFileFormat: TImageFileFormat; override;
243 function GetMimeType: string; override;
244 {$ENDIF}
245 { See ImagingMNGLossyCompression option for details.}
246 property LossyCompression: Boolean read FLossyCompression write FLossyCompression;
247 { See ImagingMNGLossyAlpha option for details.}
248 property LossyAlpha: Boolean read FLossyAlpha write FLossyAlpha;
249 { See ImagingMNGPreFilter option for details.}
250 property PreFilter: LongInt read FPreFilter write FPreFilter;
251 { See ImagingMNGCompressLevel option for details.}
252 property CompressLevel: LongInt read FCompressLevel write FCompressLevel;
253 { See ImagingMNGQuality option for details.}
254 property Quality: LongInt read FQuality write FQuality;
255 { See ImagingMNGProgressive option for details.}
256 property Progressive: Boolean read FProgressive write FProgressive;
257 end;
258 {$ENDIF}
261 { TImagingGraphic descendant for loading/saving JNG images.}
262 TImagingJNG = class(TImagingGraphicForSave)
263 protected
264 FLossyAlpha: Boolean;
265 FAlphaPreFilter: LongInt;
266 FAlphaCompressLevel: LongInt;
267 FQuality: LongInt;
268 FProgressive: Boolean;
269 public
270 constructor Create; override;
271 procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); override;
272 class function GetFileFormat: TImageFileFormat; override;
273 { See ImagingJNGLossyAlpha option for details.}
274 property LossyAlpha: Boolean read FLossyAlpha write FLossyAlpha;
275 { See ImagingJNGPreFilter option for details.}
276 property AlphaPreFilter: LongInt read FAlphaPreFilter write FAlphaPreFilter;
277 { See ImagingJNGCompressLevel option for details.}
278 property AlphaCompressLevel: LongInt read FAlphaCompressLevel write FAlphaCompressLevel;
279 { See ImagingJNGQuality option for details.}
280 property Quality: LongInt read FQuality write FQuality;
281 { See ImagingJNGProgressive option for details.}
282 property Progressive: Boolean read FProgressive write FProgressive;
283 end;
284 {$ENDIF}
286 { Returns bitmap pixel format with the closest match with given data format.}
287 function DataFormatToPixelFormat(Format: TImageFormat): TPixelFormat;
288 { Returns data format with closest match with given bitmap pixel format.}
289 function PixelFormatToDataFormat(Format: TPixelFormat): TImageFormat;
291 { Converts TImageData structure to VCL/CLX/LCL bitmap.}
292 procedure ConvertDataToBitmap(const Data: TImageData; Bitmap: TBitmap);
293 { Converts VCL/CLX/LCL bitmap to TImageData structure.}
294 procedure ConvertBitmapToData(Bitmap: TBitmap; var Data: TImageData);
295 { Converts TBaseImage instance to VCL/CLX/LCL bitmap.}
296 procedure ConvertImageToBitmap(Image: TBaseImage; Bitmap: TBitmap);
297 { Converts VCL/CLX/LCL bitmap to TBaseImage. Image must exist before
298 procedure is called. It overwrites its current image data.
299 When Image is TMultiImage only the current image level is overwritten.}
300 procedure ConvertBitmapToImage(Bitmap: TBitmap; Image: TBaseImage);
302 { Displays image stored in TImageData structure onto TCanvas. This procedure
303 draws image without converting from Imaging format to TBitmap.
304 Only [ifA8R8G8B8, ifX8R8G8B8] image formats are supported. Use this
305 when you want displaying images that change frequently (because converting to
306 TBitmap by ConvertImageDataToBitmap is generally slow). Dest and Src
307 rectangles represent coordinates in the form (X1, Y1, X2, Y2).}
308 procedure DisplayImageData(DstCanvas: TCanvas; const DstRect: TRect; const ImageData: TImageData; const SrcRect: TRect);
309 { Displays image onto TCanvas at position [DstX, DstY]. This procedure
310 draws image without converting from Imaging format to TBitmap.
311 Only [ifA8R8G8B8, ifX8R8G8B8] image formats are supported. Use this
312 when you want displaying images that change frequently (because converting to
313 TBitmap by ConvertImageDataToBitmap is generally slow).}
314 procedure DisplayImage(DstCanvas: TCanvas; DstX, DstY: LongInt; Image: TBaseImage); overload;
315 { Displays image onto TCanvas to rectangle DstRect. This procedure
316 draws image without converting from Imaging format to TBitmap.
317 Only [ifA8R8G8B8, ifX8R8G8B8] image formats are supported. Use this
318 when you want displaying images that change frequently (because converting to
319 TBitmap by ConvertImageDataToBitmap is generally slow).}
320 procedure DisplayImage(DstCanvas: TCanvas; const DstRect: TRect; Image: TBaseImage); overload;
321 { Displays part of the image specified by SrcRect onto TCanvas to rectangle DstRect.
322 This procedure draws image without converting from Imaging format to TBitmap.
323 Only [ifA8R8G8B8, ifX8R8G8B8] image formats are supported. Use this
324 when you want displaying images that change frequently (because converting to
325 TBitmap by ConvertImageDataToBitmap is generally slow).}
326 procedure DisplayImage(DstCanvas: TCanvas; const DstRect: TRect; Image: TBaseImage; const SrcRect: TRect); overload;
329 { Displays image stored in TImageData structure onto Windows device context.
330 Behaviour is the same as of DisplayImageData.}
331 procedure DisplayImageDataOnDC(DC: HDC; const DstRect: TRect; const ImageData: TImageData; const SrcRect: TRect);
332 {$ENDIF}
334 implementation
336 uses
337 {$IF Defined(LCL)}
338 {$IF Defined(LCLGTK2)}
339 GLib2, GDK2, GTK2, GTKDef, GTKProc,
340 {$ELSEIF Defined(LCLGTK)}
341 GDK, GTK, GTKDef, GTKProc,
342 {$IFEND}
343 {$IFEND}
345 ImagingBitmap,
346 {$ENDIF}
348 ImagingJpeg,
349 {$ENDIF}
351 ImagingGif,
352 {$ENDIF}
354 ImagingTarga,
355 {$ENDIF}
357 ImagingDds,
358 {$ENDIF}
359 {$IF not Defined(DONT_LINK_PNG) or not Defined(DONT_LINK_MNG) or not Defined(DONT_LINK_JNG)}
360 ImagingNetworkGraphics,
361 {$IFEND}
362 ImagingUtility;
364 resourcestring
365 SBadFormatDataToBitmap = 'Cannot find compatible bitmap format for image %s';
366 SBadFormatBitmapToData = 'Cannot find compatible data format for bitmap %p';
367 SBadFormatDisplay = 'Unsupported image format passed';
368 SUnsupportedLCLWidgetSet = 'This function is not implemented for current LCL widget set';
369 SImagingGraphicName = 'Imaging Graphic AllInOne';
371 { Registers types to VCL/LCL.}
372 procedure RegisterTypes;
373 var
374 I: LongInt;
376 procedure RegisterFileFormatAllInOne(Format: TImageFileFormat);
377 var
378 I: LongInt;
379 begin
380 for I := 0 to Format.Extensions.Count - 1 do
381 TPicture.RegisterFileFormat(Format.Extensions[I], SImagingGraphicName,
382 TImagingGraphic);
383 end;
385 procedure RegisterFileFormat(AClass: TImagingGraphicForSaveClass);
386 var
387 I: LongInt;
388 begin
389 for I := 0 to AClass.GetFileFormat.Extensions.Count - 1 do
390 TPicture.RegisterFileFormat(AClass.GetFileFormat.Extensions[I],
391 AClass.GetFileFormat.Name, AClass);
392 end;
394 begin
395 for I := Imaging.GetFileFormatCount - 1 downto 0 do
396 RegisterFileFormatAllInOne(Imaging.GetFileFormatAtIndex(I));
397 Classes.RegisterClass(TImagingGraphic);
400 RegisterFileFormat(TImagingTarga);
401 Classes.RegisterClass(TImagingTarga);
402 {$ENDIF}
404 RegisterFileFormat(TImagingDDS);
405 Classes.RegisterClass(TImagingDDS);
406 {$ENDIF}
408 RegisterFileFormat(TImagingJNG);
409 Classes.RegisterClass(TImagingJNG);
410 {$ENDIF}
412 RegisterFileFormat(TImagingMNG);
413 Classes.RegisterClass(TImagingMNG);
414 {$ENDIF}
416 RegisterFileFormat(TImagingGIF);
417 Classes.RegisterClass(TImagingGIF);
418 {$ENDIF}
421 // Unregister LazarusĀ“ default PNG loader which crashes on some PNG files
422 TPicture.UnregisterGraphicClass(TPortableNetworkGraphic);
423 {$ENDIF}
424 RegisterFileFormat(TImagingPNG);
425 Classes.RegisterClass(TImagingPNG);
426 {$ENDIF}
428 RegisterFileFormat(TImagingJpeg);
429 Classes.RegisterClass(TImagingJpeg);
430 {$ENDIF}
432 RegisterFileFormat(TImagingBitmap);
433 Classes.RegisterClass(TImagingBitmap);
434 {$ENDIF}
435 end;
437 { Unregisters types from VCL/LCL.}
438 procedure UnRegisterTypes;
439 begin
441 TPicture.UnregisterGraphicClass(TImagingBitmap);
442 Classes.UnRegisterClass(TImagingBitmap);
443 {$ENDIF}
445 TPicture.UnregisterGraphicClass(TImagingJpeg);
446 Classes.UnRegisterClass(TImagingJpeg);
447 {$ENDIF}
449 TPicture.UnregisterGraphicClass(TImagingPNG);
450 Classes.UnRegisterClass(TImagingPNG);
451 {$ENDIF}
453 TPicture.UnregisterGraphicClass(TImagingGIF);
454 Classes.UnRegisterClass(TImagingGIF);
455 {$ENDIF}
457 TPicture.UnregisterGraphicClass(TImagingTarga);
458 Classes.UnRegisterClass(TImagingTarga);
459 {$ENDIF}
461 TPicture.UnregisterGraphicClass(TImagingDDS);
462 Classes.UnRegisterClass(TImagingDDS);
463 {$ENDIF}
464 TPicture.UnregisterGraphicClass(TImagingGraphic);
465 Classes.UnRegisterClass(TImagingGraphic);
466 end;
468 function DataFormatToPixelFormat(Format: TImageFormat): TPixelFormat;
469 begin
470 case Format of
472 ifIndex8: Result := pf8bit;
473 ifR5G6B5: Result := pf16bit;
474 ifR8G8B8: Result := pf24bit;
475 {$ENDIF}
476 ifA8R8G8B8,
477 ifX8R8G8B8: Result := pf32bit;
478 else
479 Result := pfCustom;
480 end;
481 end;
483 function PixelFormatToDataFormat(Format: TPixelFormat): TImageFormat;
484 begin
485 case Format of
486 pf8bit: Result := ifIndex8;
487 pf15bit: Result := ifA1R5G5B5;
488 pf16bit: Result := ifR5G6B5;
489 pf24bit: Result := ifR8G8B8;
490 pf32bit: Result := ifA8R8G8B8;
491 else
492 Result := ifUnknown;
493 end;
494 end;
496 procedure ConvertDataToBitmap(const Data: TImageData; Bitmap: TBitmap);
497 var
498 I, LineBytes: LongInt;
499 PF: TPixelFormat;
500 Info: TImageFormatInfo;
501 WorkData: TImageData;
503 LogPalette: TMaxLogPalette;
504 {$ENDIF}
506 RawImage: TRawImage;
507 ImgHandle, ImgMaskHandle: HBitmap;
508 {$ENDIF}
509 begin
510 PF := DataFormatToPixelFormat(Data.Format);
511 GetImageFormatInfo(Data.Format, Info);
512 if PF = pfCustom then
513 begin
514 // Convert from formats not supported by Graphics unit
515 Imaging.InitImage(WorkData);
516 Imaging.CloneImage(Data, WorkData);
517 if Info.IsFloatingPoint or Info.HasAlphaChannel or Info.IsSpecial then
518 Imaging.ConvertImage(WorkData, ifA8R8G8B8)
519 else
521 if Info.IsIndexed or Info.HasGrayChannel then
522 Imaging.ConvertImage(WorkData, ifIndex8)
523 else if Info.UsePixelFormat then
524 Imaging.ConvertImage(WorkData, ifR5G6B5)
525 else
526 Imaging.ConvertImage(WorkData, ifR8G8B8);
527 {$ELSE}
528 Imaging.ConvertImage(WorkData, ifA8R8G8B8);
529 {$ENDIF}
531 PF := DataFormatToPixelFormat(WorkData.Format);
532 GetImageFormatInfo(WorkData.Format, Info);
533 end
534 else
535 WorkData := Data;
537 if PF = pfCustom then
538 RaiseImaging(SBadFormatDataToBitmap, [ImageToStr(WorkData)]);
540 LineBytes := WorkData.Width * Info.BytesPerPixel;
543 Bitmap.Width := WorkData.Width;
544 Bitmap.Height := WorkData.Height;
545 Bitmap.PixelFormat := PF;
547 if (PF = pf8bit) and (WorkData.Palette <> nil) then
548 begin
549 // Copy palette, this must be done before copying bits
550 FillChar(LogPalette, SizeOf(LogPalette), 0);
551 LogPalette.palVersion := $300;
552 LogPalette.palNumEntries := Info.PaletteEntries;
553 for I := 0 to Info.PaletteEntries - 1 do
554 with LogPalette do
555 begin
556 palPalEntry[I].peRed := WorkData.Palette[I].R;
557 palPalEntry[I].peGreen := WorkData.Palette[I].G;
558 palPalEntry[I].peBlue := WorkData.Palette[I].B;
559 end;
560 Bitmap.Palette := CreatePalette(PLogPalette(@LogPalette)^);
561 end;
562 // Copy scanlines
563 for I := 0 to WorkData.Height - 1 do
564 Move(PByteArray(WorkData.Bits)[I * LineBytes], Bitmap.Scanline[I]^, LineBytes);
566 // Delphi 2009 and newer support alpha transparency fro TBitmap
567 {$IF Defined(DELPHI) and (CompilerVersion >= 20.0)}
568 if Bitmap.PixelFormat = pf32bit then
569 Bitmap.AlphaFormat := afDefined;
570 {$IFEND}
572 {$ENDIF}
574 // Create 32bit raw image from image data
575 FillChar(RawImage, SizeOf(RawImage), 0);
576 with RawImage.Description do
577 begin
578 Width := WorkData.Width;
579 Height := WorkData.Height;
580 BitsPerPixel := 32;
581 Format := ricfRGBA;
582 LineEnd := rileDWordBoundary;
583 BitOrder := riboBitsInOrder;
584 ByteOrder := riboLSBFirst;
585 LineOrder := riloTopToBottom;
586 AlphaPrec := 8;
587 RedPrec := 8;
588 GreenPrec := 8;
589 BluePrec := 8;
590 AlphaShift := 24;
591 RedShift := 16;
592 GreenShift := 8;
593 BlueShift := 0;
594 Depth := 32; // Must be 32 for alpha blending (and for working in MacOSX Carbon)
595 end;
596 RawImage.Data := WorkData.Bits;
597 RawImage.DataSize := WorkData.Size;
599 // Create bitmap from raw image
600 if RawImage_CreateBitmaps(RawImage, ImgHandle, ImgMaskHandle) then
601 begin
602 Bitmap.Handle := ImgHandle;
603 Bitmap.MaskHandle := ImgMaskHandle;
604 end;
605 {$ENDIF}
606 if WorkData.Bits <> Data.Bits then
607 Imaging.FreeImage(WorkData);
608 end;
610 procedure ConvertBitmapToData(Bitmap: TBitmap; var Data: TImageData);
611 var
612 I, LineBytes: LongInt;
613 Format: TImageFormat;
614 Info: TImageFormatInfo;
616 Colors: Word;
617 LogPalette: TMaxLogPalette;
618 {$ENDIF}
620 RawImage: TRawImage;
621 LineLazBytes: LongInt;
622 {$ENDIF}
623 begin
625 // In the current Lazarus 0.9.10 Bitmap.PixelFormat property is useless.
626 // We cannot change bitmap's format by changing it (it will just release
627 // old image but not convert it to new format) nor we can determine bitmaps's
628 // current format (it is usually set to pfDevice). So bitmap's format is obtained
629 // trough RawImage api and cannot be changed to mirror some Imaging format
630 // (so formats with no coresponding Imaging format cannot be saved now).
632 if RawImage_DescriptionFromBitmap(Bitmap.Handle, RawImage.Description) then
633 case RawImage.Description.BitsPerPixel of
634 8: Format := ifIndex8;
635 16:
636 if RawImage.Description.Depth = 15 then
637 Format := ifA1R5G5B5
638 else
639 Format := ifR5G6B5;
640 24: Format := ifR8G8B8;
641 32: Format := ifA8R8G8B8;
642 48: Format := ifR16G16B16;
643 64: Format := ifA16R16G16B16;
644 else
645 Format := ifUnknown;
646 end;
647 {$ELSE}
648 Format := PixelFormatToDataFormat(Bitmap.PixelFormat);
649 if Format = ifUnknown then
650 begin
651 // Convert from formats not supported by Imaging (1/4 bit)
652 if Bitmap.PixelFormat < pf8bit then
653 Bitmap.PixelFormat := pf8bit
654 else
655 Bitmap.PixelFormat := pf32bit;
656 Format := PixelFormatToDataFormat(Bitmap.PixelFormat);
657 end;
658 {$ENDIF}
660 if Format = ifUnknown then
661 RaiseImaging(SBadFormatBitmapToData, []);
663 Imaging.NewImage(Bitmap.Width, Bitmap.Height, Format, Data);
664 GetImageFormatInfo(Data.Format, Info);
665 LineBytes := Data.Width * Info.BytesPerPixel;
668 if (Format = ifIndex8) and (GetObject(Bitmap.Palette, SizeOf(Colors),
669 @Colors) <> 0) then
670 begin
671 // Copy palette
672 GetPaletteEntries(Bitmap.Palette, 0, Colors, LogPalette.palPalEntry);
673 if Colors > Info.PaletteEntries then
674 Colors := Info.PaletteEntries;
675 for I := 0 to Colors - 1 do
676 with LogPalette do
677 begin
678 Data.Palette[I].A := $FF;
679 Data.Palette[I].R := palPalEntry[I].peRed;
680 Data.Palette[I].G := palPalEntry[I].peGreen;
681 Data.Palette[I].B := palPalEntry[I].peBlue;
682 end;
683 end;
684 // Copy scanlines
685 for I := 0 to Data.Height - 1 do
686 Move(Bitmap.ScanLine[I]^, PByteArray(Data.Bits)[I * LineBytes], LineBytes);
687 {$ENDIF}
689 // Get raw image from bitmap (mask handle must be 0 or expect violations)
690 if RawImage_FromBitmap(RawImage, Bitmap.Handle, 0, nil) then
691 begin
692 LineLazBytes := GetBytesPerLine(Data.Width, RawImage.Description.BitsPerPixel,
693 RawImage.Description.LineEnd);
694 // Copy scanlines
695 for I := 0 to Data.Height - 1 do
696 Move(PByteArray(RawImage.Data)[I * LineLazBytes],
697 PByteArray(Data.Bits)[I * LineBytes], LineBytes);
698 { If you get complitation error here upgrade to Lazarus 0.9.24+ }
699 RawImage.FreeData;
700 end;
701 {$ENDIF}
702 end;
704 procedure ConvertImageToBitmap(Image: TBaseImage; Bitmap: TBitmap);
705 begin
706 ConvertDataToBitmap(Image.ImageDataPointer^, Bitmap);
707 end;
709 procedure ConvertBitmapToImage(Bitmap: TBitmap; Image: TBaseImage);
710 begin
711 ConvertBitmapToData(Bitmap, Image.ImageDataPointer^);
712 end;
715 procedure DisplayImageDataOnDC(DC: HDC; const DstRect: TRect; const ImageData: TImageData; const SrcRect: TRect);
716 var
717 OldMode: Integer;
718 BitmapInfo: Windows.TBitmapInfo;
719 Bmp: TBitmap;
720 begin
721 if TestImage(ImageData) then
722 begin
723 Assert(ImageData.Format in [ifA8R8G8B8, ifX8R8G8B8], SBadFormatDisplay);
724 OldMode := Windows.SetStretchBltMode(DC, COLORONCOLOR);
726 FillChar(BitmapInfo, SizeOf(BitmapInfo), 0);
727 with BitmapInfo.bmiHeader do
728 begin
729 biSize := SizeOf(TBitmapInfoHeader);
730 biPlanes := 1;
731 biBitCount := 32;
732 biCompression := BI_RGB;
733 biWidth := ImageData.Width;
734 biHeight := -ImageData.Height;
735 biSizeImage := ImageData.Size;
736 biXPelsPerMeter := 0;
737 biYPelsPerMeter := 0;
738 biClrUsed := 0;
739 biClrImportant := 0;
740 end;
742 try
743 with SrcRect, ImageData do
744 if Windows.StretchDIBits(DC, DstRect.Left, DstRect.Top,
745 DstRect.Right - DstRect.Left, DstRect.Bottom - DstRect.Top, Left,
746 Top, Right - Left, Bottom - Top, Bits, BitmapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY) <> Height then
747 begin
748 // StretchDIBits may fail on some ocassions (error 487,
749 // This fallback is slow but works every time. Thanks to Sergey Galezdinov for the fix.
750 Bmp := TBitmap.Create;
751 try
752 ConvertDataToBitmap(ImageData, Bmp);
753 StretchBlt(DC, DstRect.Left, DstRect.Top, DstRect.Right - DstRect.Left, DstRect.Bottom - DstRect.Top,
754 Bmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, Width, Height, SRCCOPY);
755 finally
756 Bmp.Free;
757 end;
758 end;
759 finally
760 Windows.SetStretchBltMode(DC, OldMode);
761 end;
762 end;
763 end;
764 {$ENDIF}
766 procedure DisplayImageData(DstCanvas: TCanvas; const DstRect: TRect; const ImageData: TImageData; const SrcRect: TRect);
767 {$IF Defined(DCC) or Defined(LCLWIN32)} // Delphi or LCL Win32
768 begin
769 DisplayImageDataOnDC(DstCanvas.Handle, DstRect, ImageData, SrcRect);
770 end;
771 {$ELSEIF Defined(LCLGTK) or Defined(LCLGTK2)}
773 procedure GDKDrawBitmap(Dest: HDC; DstX, DstY: Integer; SrcX, SrcY,
774 SrcWidth, SrcHeight: Integer; ImageData: TImageData);
775 var
776 P: TPoint;
777 begin
778 P := TGtkDeviceContext(Dest).Offset;
779 Inc(DstX, P.X);
780 Inc(DstY, P.Y);
781 gdk_draw_rgb_32_image(TGtkDeviceContext(Dest).Drawable, TGtkDeviceContext(Dest).GC,
782 DstX, DstY, SrcWidth, SrcHeight, GDK_RGB_DITHER_NONE,
783 @PLongWordArray(ImageData.Bits)[SrcY * ImageData.Width + SrcX], ImageData.Width * 4);
784 end;
786 var
787 DisplayImage: TImageData;
788 NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer;
789 SrcBounds, DstBounds, DstClip: TRect;
790 begin
791 if TestImage(ImageData) then
792 begin
793 Assert(ImageData.Format in [ifA8R8G8B8, ifX8R8G8B8], SBadFormatDisplay);
794 InitImage(DisplayImage);
796 SrcBounds := RectToBounds(SrcRect);
797 DstBounds := RectToBounds(DstRect);
798 WidgetSet.GetClipBox(DstCanvas.Handle, @DstClip);
800 ClipStretchBounds(SrcBounds.Left, SrcBounds.Top, SrcBounds.Right, SrcBounds.Bottom,
801 DstBounds.Left, DstBounds.Top, DstBounds.Right, DstBounds.Bottom, ImageData.Width,
802 ImageData.Height, DstClip);
804 NewWidth := DstBounds.Right;
805 NewHeight := DstBounds.Bottom;
807 if (NewWidth > 0) and (NewHeight > 0) then
808 begin
809 if (SrcBounds.Right = NewWidth) and (SrcBounds.Bottom = NewHeight) then
810 try
811 CloneImage(ImageData, DisplayImage);
812 // Swap R-B channels for GTK display compatability!
813 SwapChannels(DisplayImage, ChannelRed, ChannelBlue);
814 GDKDrawBitmap(DstCanvas.Handle, DstBounds.Left, DstBounds.Top,
815 SrcBounds.Left, SrcBounds.Top, NewWidth, NewHeight, DisplayImage);
816 finally
817 FreeImage(DisplayImage);
818 end
819 else
820 try
821 // Create new image with desired dimensions
822 NewImage(NewWidth, NewHeight, ImageData.Format, DisplayImage);
823 // Stretch pixels from old image to new one TResizeFilter = (rfNearest, rfBilinear, rfBicubic);
824 StretchRect(ImageData, SrcBounds.Left, SrcBounds.Top, SrcBounds.Right,
825 SrcBounds.Bottom, DisplayImage, 0, 0, NewWidth, NewHeight, rfNearest);
826 // Swap R-B channels for GTK display compatability!
827 SwapChannels(DisplayImage, ChannelRed, ChannelBlue);
828 GDKDrawBitmap(DstCanvas.Handle, DstBounds.Left, DstBounds.Top, 0, 0,
829 NewWidth, NewHeight, DisplayImage);
830 finally
831 FreeImage(DisplayImage);
832 end
833 end;
834 end;
835 end;
836 {$ELSE}
837 begin
838 raise Exception.Create(SUnsupportedLCLWidgetSet);
839 end;
840 {$IFEND}
842 procedure DisplayImage(DstCanvas: TCanvas; DstX, DstY: LongInt; Image: TBaseImage);
843 begin
844 DisplayImageData(DstCanvas, BoundsToRect(DstX, DstY, Image.Width, Image.Height),
845 Image.ImageDataPointer^, Image.BoundsRect);
846 end;
848 procedure DisplayImage(DstCanvas: TCanvas; const DstRect: TRect; Image: TBaseImage);
849 begin
850 DisplayImageData(DstCanvas, DstRect, Image.ImageDataPointer^, Image.BoundsRect);
851 end;
853 procedure DisplayImage(DstCanvas: TCanvas; const DstRect: TRect; Image: TBaseImage; const SrcRect: TRect);
854 begin
855 DisplayImageData(DstCanvas, DstRect, Image.ImageDataPointer^, SrcRect);
856 end;
859 { TImagingGraphic class implementation }
861 constructor TImagingGraphic.Create;
862 begin
863 inherited Create;
864 PixelFormat := pf24Bit;
865 end;
867 procedure TImagingGraphic.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
868 begin
869 ReadDataFromStream(Stream);
870 end;
872 procedure TImagingGraphic.ReadDataFromStream(Stream: TStream);
873 var
874 Image: TSingleImage;
875 begin
876 Image := TSingleImage.Create;
877 try
878 Image.LoadFromStream(Stream);
879 Assign(Image);
880 finally
881 Image.Free;
882 end;
883 end;
885 procedure TImagingGraphic.AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent);
886 var
887 Arr: TDynImageDataArray;
888 begin
889 if Dest is TSingleImage then
890 begin
891 AssignToImage(TSingleImage(Dest))
892 end
893 else if Dest is TMultiImage then
894 begin
895 SetLength(Arr, 1);
896 AssignToImageData(Arr[0]);
897 TMultiImage(Dest).CreateFromArray(Arr);
898 Imaging.FreeImagesInArray(Arr);
899 end
900 else
901 inherited AssignTo(Dest);
902 end;
904 procedure TImagingGraphic.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
905 begin
906 if Source is TBaseImage then
907 AssignFromImage(TBaseImage(Source))
908 else
909 inherited Assign(Source);
910 end;
912 procedure TImagingGraphic.AssignFromImage(Image: TBaseImage);
913 begin
914 if (Image <> nil) and Image.Valid then
915 AssignFromImageData(Image.ImageDataPointer^);
916 end;
918 procedure TImagingGraphic.AssignToImage(Image: TBaseImage);
919 begin
920 if (Image <> nil) and (Image.ImageDataPointer <> nil) then
921 AssignToImageData(Image.ImageDataPointer^);
922 end;
924 procedure TImagingGraphic.AssignFromImageData(const ImageData: TImageData);
925 begin
926 if Imaging.TestImage(ImageData) then
927 ConvertDataToBitmap(ImageData, Self);
928 end;
930 procedure TImagingGraphic.AssignToImageData(var ImageData: TImageData);
931 begin
932 Imaging.FreeImage(ImageData);
933 ConvertBitmapToData(Self, ImageData);
934 end;
937 { TImagingGraphicForSave class implementation }
939 constructor TImagingGraphicForSave.Create;
940 begin
941 inherited Create;
942 FDefaultFileExt := GetFileFormat.Extensions[0];
943 FSavingFormat := ifUnknown;
944 GetFileFormat.CheckOptionsValidity;
945 end;
947 procedure TImagingGraphicForSave.WriteDataToStream(Stream: TStream);
948 var
949 Image: TSingleImage;
950 begin
951 if FDefaultFileExt <> '' then
952 begin
953 Image := TSingleImage.Create;
954 try
955 Image.Assign(Self);
956 if FSavingFormat <> ifUnknown then
957 Image.Format := FSavingFormat;
958 Image.SaveToStream(FDefaultFileExt, Stream);
959 finally
960 Image.Free;
961 end;
962 end;
963 end;
965 procedure TImagingGraphicForSave.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
966 begin
967 WriteDataToStream(Stream);
968 end;
971 class function TImagingGraphicForSave.GetFileExtensions: string;
972 begin
973 Result := StringReplace(GetFileFormat.Extensions.CommaText, ',', ';', [rfReplaceAll]);
974 end;
976 function TImagingGraphicForSave.GetMimeType: string;
977 begin
978 Result := 'image/' + FDefaultFileExt;
979 end;
980 {$ENDIF}
984 { TImagingBitmap class implementation }
986 constructor TImagingBitmap.Create;
987 begin
988 inherited Create;
989 FUseRLE := (GetFileFormat as TBitmapFileFormat).UseRLE;
990 end;
992 class function TImagingBitmap.GetFileFormat: TImageFileFormat;
993 begin
994 Result := FindImageFileFormatByClass(TBitmapFileFormat);
995 end;
997 procedure TImagingBitmap.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
998 begin
999 Imaging.PushOptions;
1000 Imaging.SetOption(ImagingBitmapRLE, Ord(FUseRLE));
1001 inherited SaveToStream(Stream);
1002 Imaging.PopOptions;
1003 end;
1004 {$ENDIF}
1008 { TImagingJpeg class implementation }
1010 constructor TImagingJpeg.Create;
1011 begin
1012 inherited Create;
1013 FQuality := (GetFileFormat as TJpegFileFormat).Quality;
1014 FProgressive := (GetFileFormat as TJpegFileFormat).Progressive;
1015 end;
1017 class function TImagingJpeg.GetFileFormat: TImageFileFormat;
1018 begin
1019 Result := FindImageFileFormatByClass(TJpegFileFormat);
1020 end;
1023 function TImagingJpeg.GetMimeType: string;
1024 begin
1025 Result := 'image/jpeg';
1026 end;
1027 {$ENDIF}
1029 procedure TImagingJpeg.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
1030 begin
1031 Imaging.PushOptions;
1032 Imaging.SetOption(ImagingJpegQuality, FQuality);
1033 Imaging.SetOption(ImagingJpegProgressive, Ord(FProgressive));
1034 inherited SaveToStream(Stream);
1035 Imaging.PopOptions;
1036 end;
1038 {$ENDIF}
1042 { TImagingPNG class implementation }
1044 constructor TImagingPNG.Create;
1045 begin
1046 inherited Create;
1047 FPreFilter := (GetFileFormat as TPNGFileFormat).PreFilter;
1048 FCompressLevel := (GetFileFormat as TPNGFileFormat).CompressLevel;
1049 end;
1051 class function TImagingPNG.GetFileFormat: TImageFileFormat;
1052 begin
1053 Result := FindImageFileFormatByClass(TPNGFileFormat);
1054 end;
1056 procedure TImagingPNG.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
1057 begin
1058 Imaging.PushOptions;
1059 Imaging.SetOption(ImagingPNGPreFilter, FPreFilter);
1060 Imaging.SetOption(ImagingPNGCompressLevel, FCompressLevel);
1061 inherited SaveToStream(Stream);
1062 Imaging.PopOptions;
1063 end;
1064 {$ENDIF}
1068 { TImagingGIF class implementation}
1070 class function TImagingGIF.GetFileFormat: TImageFileFormat;
1071 begin
1072 Result := FindImageFileFormatByClass(TGIFFileFormat);
1073 end;
1075 {$ENDIF}
1079 { TImagingTarga class implementation }
1081 constructor TImagingTarga.Create;
1082 begin
1083 inherited Create;
1084 FUseRLE := (GetFileFormat as TTargaFileFormat).UseRLE;
1085 end;
1087 class function TImagingTarga.GetFileFormat: TImageFileFormat;
1088 begin
1089 Result := FindImageFileFormatByClass(TTargaFileFormat);
1090 end;
1092 procedure TImagingTarga.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
1093 begin
1094 Imaging.PushOptions;
1095 Imaging.SetOption(ImagingTargaRLE, Ord(FUseRLE));
1096 inherited SaveToStream(Stream);
1097 Imaging.PopOptions;
1098 end;
1099 {$ENDIF}
1103 { TImagingDDS class implementation }
1105 constructor TImagingDDS.Create;
1106 begin
1107 inherited Create;
1108 FCompression := dcNone;
1109 end;
1111 class function TImagingDDS.GetFileFormat: TImageFileFormat;
1112 begin
1113 Result := FindImageFileFormatByClass(TDDSFileFormat);
1114 end;
1116 procedure TImagingDDS.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
1117 begin
1118 case FCompression of
1119 dcNone: FSavingFormat := ifUnknown;
1120 dcDXT1: FSavingFormat := ifDXT1;
1121 dcDXT3: FSavingFormat := ifDXT3;
1122 dcDXT5: FSavingFormat := ifDXT5;
1123 end;
1124 Imaging.PushOptions;
1125 Imaging.SetOption(ImagingDDSSaveCubeMap, Ord(False));
1126 Imaging.SetOption(ImagingDDSSaveVolume, Ord(False));
1127 Imaging.SetOption(ImagingDDSSaveMipMapCount, 1);
1128 Imaging.SetOption(ImagingDDSSaveDepth, 1);
1129 inherited SaveToStream(Stream);
1130 Imaging.PopOptions;
1131 end;
1132 {$ENDIF}
1136 { TImagingMNG class implementation }
1138 constructor TImagingMNG.Create;
1139 begin
1140 inherited Create;
1141 FLossyCompression := (GetFileFormat as TMNGFileFormat).LossyCompression;
1142 FLossyAlpha := (GetFileFormat as TMNGFileFormat).LossyAlpha;
1143 FPreFilter := (GetFileFormat as TMNGFileFormat).PreFilter;
1144 FCompressLevel := (GetFileFormat as TMNGFileFormat).CompressLevel;
1145 FQuality := (GetFileFormat as TMNGFileFormat).Quality;
1146 FProgressive := (GetFileFormat as TMNGFileFormat).Progressive;
1147 end;
1149 class function TImagingMNG.GetFileFormat: TImageFileFormat;
1150 begin
1151 Result := FindImageFileFormatByClass(TMNGFileFormat);
1152 end;
1155 function TImagingMNG.GetMimeType: string;
1156 begin
1157 Result := 'video/mng';
1158 end;
1159 {$ENDIF}
1161 procedure TImagingMNG.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
1162 begin
1163 Imaging.PushOptions;
1164 Imaging.SetOption(ImagingMNGLossyCompression, Ord(FLossyCompression));
1165 Imaging.SetOption(ImagingMNGLossyAlpha, Ord(FLossyAlpha));
1166 Imaging.SetOption(ImagingMNGPreFilter, FPreFilter);
1167 Imaging.SetOption(ImagingMNGCompressLevel, FCompressLevel);
1168 Imaging.SetOption(ImagingMNGQuality, FQuality);
1169 Imaging.SetOption(ImagingMNGProgressive, Ord(FProgressive));
1170 inherited SaveToStream(Stream);
1171 Imaging.PopOptions;
1172 end;
1173 {$ENDIF}
1177 { TImagingJNG class implementation }
1179 constructor TImagingJNG.Create;
1180 begin
1181 inherited Create;
1182 FLossyAlpha := (GetFileFormat as TJNGFileFormat).LossyAlpha;
1183 FAlphaPreFilter := (GetFileFormat as TJNGFileFormat).PreFilter;
1184 FAlphaCompressLevel := (GetFileFormat as TJNGFileFormat).CompressLevel;
1185 FQuality := (GetFileFormat as TJNGFileFormat).Quality;
1186 FProgressive := (GetFileFormat as TJNGFileFormat).Progressive;
1187 end;
1189 class function TImagingJNG.GetFileFormat: TImageFileFormat;
1190 begin
1191 Result := FindImageFileFormatByClass(TJNGFileFormat);
1192 end;
1194 procedure TImagingJNG.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
1195 begin
1196 Imaging.PushOptions;
1197 Imaging.SetOption(ImagingJNGLossyALpha, Ord(FLossyAlpha));
1198 Imaging.SetOption(ImagingJNGAlphaPreFilter, FAlphaPreFilter);
1199 Imaging.SetOption(ImagingJNGAlphaCompressLevel, FAlphaCompressLevel);
1200 Imaging.SetOption(ImagingJNGQuality, FQuality);
1201 Imaging.SetOption(ImagingJNGProgressive, Ord(FProgressive));
1202 inherited SaveToStream(Stream);
1203 Imaging.PopOptions;
1204 end;
1205 {$ENDIF}
1207 initialization
1208 RegisterTypes;
1209 finalization
1210 UnRegisterTypes;
1212 {$IFEND} // {$IF not Defined(COMPONENT_SET_LCL) and not Defined(COMPONENT_SET_VCL)}
1215 File Notes:
1217 -- TODOS ----------------------------------------------------
1218 - nothing now
1220 -- 0.26.3 Changes/Bug Fixes ---------------------------------
1221 - Setting AlphaFormat property of TBitmap in ConvertDataToBitmap
1222 when using Delphi 2009+.
1223 - Fixed garbled LCL TBitmaps created by ConvertDataToBitmap
1224 in Mac OS X (Carbon).
1226 -- 0.26.1 Changes/Bug Fixes ---------------------------------
1227 - Added some more IFDEFs for Lazarus widget sets.
1228 - Removed CLX code.
1229 - GTK version of Unix DisplayImageData only used with LCL GTK so the
1230 the rest of the unit can be used with Qt or other LCL interfaces.
1231 - Fallback mechanism for DisplayImageDataOnDC, it may fail on occasions.
1232 - Changed file format conditional compilation to reflect changes
1233 in LINK symbols.
1234 - Lazarus 0.9.26 compatibility changes.
1236 -- 0.24.1 Changes/Bug Fixes ---------------------------------
1237 - Fixed wrong IFDEF causing that Imaging wouldn't compile in Lazarus
1238 with GTK2 target.
1239 - Added commnets with code for Lazarus rev. 11861+ regarding
1240 RawImage interface. Replace current code with that in comments
1241 if you use Lazarus from SVN. New RawImage interface will be used by
1242 default after next Lazarus release.
1244 -- 0.23 Changes/Bug Fixes -----------------------------------
1245 - Added TImagingGIF.
1247 -- 0.21 Changes/Bug Fixes -----------------------------------
1248 - Uses only high level interface now (except for saving options).
1249 - Slightly changed class hierarchy. TImagingGraphic is now only for loading
1250 and base class for savers is new TImagingGraphicForSave. Also
1251 TImagingGraphic is now registered with all supported file formats
1252 by TPicture's format support.
1254 -- 0.19 Changes/Bug Fixes -----------------------------------
1255 - added DisplayImage procedures (thanks to Paul Michell, modified)
1256 - removed RegisterTypes and UnRegisterTypes from interface section,
1257 they are called automatically
1258 - added procedures: ConvertImageToBitmap and ConvertBitmapToImage
1260 -- 0.17 Changes/Bug Fixes -----------------------------------
1261 - LCL data to bitmap conversion didnĀ“t work in Linux, fixed
1262 - added MNG file format
1263 - added JNG file format
1265 -- 0.15 Changes/Bug Fixes -----------------------------------
1266 - made it LCL compatible
1267 - made it CLX compatible
1268 - added all initial stuff
1271 end.