center issue #194, Meta.PutParam and Kernel.Call for open arrays are mismatched
[bbcp.git] / Lin / Mod / gen-Libc / fields-tm
1 (* FreeBSD 9.0 /usr/include/time.h *)
2 tm_sec*: int; (* seconds after the minute [0-60] *)
3 tm_min*: int; (* minutes after the hour [0-59] *)
4 tm_hour*: int; (* hours since midnight [0-23] *)
5 tm_mday*: int; (* day of the month [1-31] *)
6 tm_mon*: int; (* months since January [0-11] *)
7 tm_year*: int; (* years since 1900 *)
8 tm_wday*: int; (* days since Sunday [0-6] *)
9 tm_yday*: int; (* days since January 1 [0-365] *)
10 tm_isdst*: int; (* Daylight Savings Time flag *)
11 tm_gmtoff*: long; (* offset from UTC in seconds *)
12 tm_zone*: PtrSTR; (* timezone abbreviation *)