[gpcp-linux.git] / CompState.cp
1 (* ==================================================================== *)
2 (* *)
3 (* State Module for the Gardens Point Component Pascal Compiler. *)
4 (* Copyright (c) John Gough 1999, 2000. *)
5 (* *)
6 (* Note that since this module is likely to be imported by most other *)
7 (* modules, it is important to ensure that it does not import others, *)
8 (* to avoid import cycles. *)
9 (* *)
10 (* ==================================================================== *)
12 MODULE CompState;
15 GPCPcopyright,
16 RTS,
17 Error,
18 GPText,
19 Symbols,
20 IdDesc,
21 Console,
22 CPascalS,
23 NameHash,
24 FileNames,
25 ClassMaker,
26 CPascalErrors;
28 CONST prefix = "#gpcp: ";
29 millis = "mSec";
31 CONST netV1_0* = 0;
32 netV1_1* = 1;
33 netV2_0* = 2;
35 (* ==================================================================== *)
36 (* State Variables of this compilation *)
37 (* ==================================================================== *)
39 VAR
40 ntvObj* : Symbols.Type; (* native Object type *)
41 ntvStr* : Symbols.Type; (* native String type *)
42 ntvExc* : Symbols.Type; (* native Exceptions type *)
43 ntvTyp* : Symbols.Type; (* native System.Type type *)
44 ntvEvt* : Symbols.Type; (* native MulticastDelegate *)
45 rtsXHR* : Symbols.Type; (* native XHR type descriptor *)
46 ntvVal* : Symbols.Type; (* native ValueType type *)
48 objId* : Symbols.Idnt;
49 strId* : Symbols.Idnt;
50 excId* : Symbols.Idnt;
51 clsId* : Symbols.Idnt;
52 xhrId* : IdDesc.FldId; (* descriptor of RTS.XHR.prev *)
53 rtsBlk* : IdDesc.BlkId;
54 prgArg* : IdDesc.BlkId;
55 argLst* : IdDesc.VarId; (* descriptor of RTS.argList *)
57 srcBkt* : INTEGER; (* hashtable bucket of "src" *)
58 corBkt* : INTEGER; (* bucket of "mscorlib_System" *)
60 fltInf* : IdDesc.VarId; (* descriptor of RTS.fltPosInf. *)
61 dblInf* : IdDesc.VarId; (* descriptor of RTS.dblPosInf. *)
62 fltNInf* : IdDesc.VarId; (* descriptor of RTS.fltNegInf. *)
63 dblNInf* : IdDesc.VarId; (* descriptor of RTS.dblNegInf. *)
65 VAR
66 modNam* : FileNames.NameString; (* name of the _MODULE_ *)
67 basNam-, (* base name of source _FILE_ *)
68 srcNam-, (* name of the source file *)
69 lstNam- : FileNames.NameString; (* name of the listing file *)
71 target- : ARRAY 6 OF CHAR;
72 emitter- : ClassMaker.ClassEmitter;
74 cpSymX-, (* User supplied CPSYM name *)
75 binDir-, (* PE-file directory .NET only *)
76 symDir- : FileNames.NameString; (* Symbol file directory *)
78 strict-,
79 special-,
80 warning-,
81 verbose-,
82 extras-,
83 unsafe-,
84 doStats-,
85 doHelp-,
86 ovfCheck-,
87 debug-,
88 doneHelp,
89 doVersion-,
90 doneVersion,
91 doSym-,
92 doAsm-,
93 doJsmn-,
94 forceIlasm,
95 forcePerwapi,
96 doIlasm-,
97 doCode-,
98 quiet-,
99 system- : BOOLEAN;
100 legacy* : BOOLEAN;
101 netRel-,
102 listLevel-,
103 hashSize- : INTEGER;
105 thisMod- : IdDesc.BlkId; (* Desc. of compiling module. *)
106 sysMod- : IdDesc.BlkId; (* Desc. of SYSTEM module. *)
107 sysLib- : IdDesc.BlkId; (* mscorlib OR java.lang BlkId *)
109 impSeq* : Symbols.ScpSeq;
111 totalS* : LONGINT;
112 parseS* : LONGINT;
113 parseE* : LONGINT;
114 attrib* : LONGINT;
115 symEnd* : LONGINT;
116 asmEnd* : LONGINT;
117 totalE* : LONGINT;
118 import1* : LONGINT;
119 import2* : LONGINT;
121 impMax* : INTEGER;
125 VAR
126 expectedNet : BOOLEAN; (* A .NET specific option was parsed *)
127 expectedJvm : BOOLEAN; (* A JVM specific option was parsed *)
128 expectedLlvm : BOOLEAN; (* An LLVM specific option was parsed *)
130 (* ==================================================================== *)
131 (* Utilities *)
132 (* ==================================================================== *)
134 PROCEDURE SetSysLib*(lib : IdDesc.BlkId);
136 sysLib := lib;
137 END SetSysLib;
139 PROCEDURE SetEmitter*(maker : ClassMaker.ClassEmitter);
141 emitter := maker;
142 END SetEmitter;
144 PROCEDURE ImportObjectFeatures*();
146 emitter.ObjectFeatures();
147 END ImportObjectFeatures;
149 PROCEDURE SetQuiet*();
151 CPascalErrors.nowarn := TRUE;
152 END SetQuiet;
154 PROCEDURE RestoreQuiet*();
156 CPascalErrors.nowarn := ~warning;
157 END RestoreQuiet;
161 RETURN target = "net";
162 END targetIsNET;
166 RETURN target = "jvm";
167 END targetIsJVM;
171 RETURN target = "llvm";
172 END targetIsLLVM;
174 PROCEDURE Message*(IN mss : ARRAY OF CHAR);
176 Console.WriteString(prefix);
177 Console.WriteString(mss);
178 Console.WriteLn;
179 END Message;
183 Console.WriteString(mss);
184 Console.WriteLn;
185 END PrintLn;
189 Console.WriteString(prefix);
190 Error.WriteString(mss);
191 Error.WriteLn;
192 END ErrMesg;
196 ErrMesg(mss); ASSERT(FALSE);
197 END Abort;
199 PROCEDURE isForeign*() : BOOLEAN;
202 (Symbols.rtsMd IN thisMod.xAttr) OR
203 (Symbols.frnMd IN thisMod.xAttr);
204 END isForeign;
206 PROCEDURE TimeMsg*(IN mss : ARRAY OF CHAR; tim : LONGINT);
208 IF (tim < 0) OR (tim >= totalS) THEN tim := 0 END;
209 Console.WriteString(prefix);
210 Console.WriteString(mss);
211 Console.WriteInt(SHORT(tim), 5);
212 Console.WriteString(millis);
213 Console.WriteLn;
214 END TimeMsg;
216 (* ==================================================================== *)
218 PROCEDURE Usage;
220 PrintLn("gardens point component pascal: " + GPCPcopyright.verStr);
221 Message("Usage from the command line ...");
222 IF RTS.defaultTarget = "net" THEN
223 PrintLn(" $ gpcp [cp-options] file {file}");
224 PrintLn("# CP Options ...");
225 PrintLn(" /bindir=XXX ==> Place binary files in directory XXX");
226 PrintLn(" /copyright ==> Display copyright notice");
227 PrintLn(" /cpsym=XXX ==> Use environ. variable XXX instead of CPSYM");
228 PrintLn(" /debug ==> Generate debugging information (default)");
229 PrintLn(" /nodebug ==> Give up debugging for maximum speed");
230 PrintLn(" /dostats ==> Give a statistical summary");
231 PrintLn(" /extras ==> Enable experimental compiler features");
232 PrintLn(" /help ==> Write out this usage message");
233 PrintLn(" /hsize=NNN ==> Set hashtable size >= NNN (0 .. 65000)");
234 PrintLn(" /ilasm ==> Force compilation via ILASM");
235 PrintLn(" /list ==> (default) Create *.lst file if errors");
236 PrintLn(" /list+ ==> Unconditionally create *.lst file");
237 PrintLn(" /list- ==> Don't create error *.lst file");
238 PrintLn(" /noasm ==> Don't create asm (or object) files");
239 PrintLn(" /nocode ==> Don't create any object files");
240 PrintLn(" /nocheck ==> Don't perform arithmetic overflow checks");
241 PrintLn(" /nosym ==> Don't create *.sym (or asm or object) files");
242 PrintLn(" /perwapi ==> Force compilation via PERWAPI");
243 PrintLn(" /quiet ==> Compile silently if possible");
244 PrintLn(" /strict ==> Disallow non-standard constructs");
245 PrintLn(" /special ==> Compile dummy symbol file");
246 PrintLn(" /symdir=XXX ==> Place symbol files in directory XXX");
247 PrintLn(" /target=XXX ==> Emit (jvm|net|llvm) assembly");
248 PrintLn(" /unsafe ==> Allow unsafe code generation");
249 PrintLn(" /vX.X ==> (v1.0 | v1.1 | v2.0) CLR target version");
250 PrintLn(" /verbose ==> Emit verbose diagnostics");
251 PrintLn(" /version ==> Write out version number");
252 PrintLn(" /vserror ==> Print error messages in Visual Studio format");
253 PrintLn(" /warn- ==> Don't emit warnings");
254 PrintLn(" /nowarn ==> Don't emit warnings");
255 PrintLn(" /whidbey ==> Target code for Whidbey Beta release");
256 PrintLn(" /xmlerror ==> Print error messages in XML format");
257 PrintLn(' Unix-style options: "-option" are recognized also');
258 ELSE
259 IF RTS.defaultTarget = "jvm" THEN
260 PrintLn(" $ cprun gpcp [cp-options] file {file}, OR");
261 PrintLn(" $ java [java-options] CP.gpcp.gpcp [cp-options] file {file}");
262 ELSIF RTS.defaultTarget = "llvm" THEN
263 PrintLn(" $ gpcp [cp-options] file {file}");
264 END;
265 PrintLn("# CP Options ...");
266 PrintLn(" -clsdir=XXX ==> Set class tree root in directory XXX");
267 PrintLn(" -copyright ==> Display copyright notice");
268 PrintLn(" -cpsym=XXX ==> Use environ. variable XXX instead of CPSYM");
269 PrintLn(" -dostats ==> Give a statistical summary");
270 PrintLn(" -extras ==> Enable experimental compiler features");
271 PrintLn(" -help ==> Write out this usage message");
272 PrintLn(" -hsize=NNN ==> Set hashtable size >= NNN (0 .. 65000)");
273 PrintLn(" -jasmin ==> Ceate asm files and run Jasmin");
274 PrintLn(" -list ==> (default) Create *.lst file if errors");
275 PrintLn(" -list+ ==> Unconditionally create *.lst file");
276 PrintLn(" -list- ==> Don't create error *.lst file");
277 PrintLn(" -nocode ==> Don't create any object files");
278 PrintLn(" -noasm ==> Don't create asm (or object) files");
279 PrintLn(" -nosym ==> Don't create *.sym (or asm or object) files");
280 PrintLn(" -quiet ==> Compile silently if possible");
281 PrintLn(" -special ==> Compile dummy symbol file");
282 PrintLn(" -strict ==> Disallow non-standard constructs");
283 PrintLn(" -symdir=XXX ==> Place symbol files in directory XXX");
284 PrintLn(" -target=XXX ==> Emit (jvm|net|llvm) assembly");
285 PrintLn(" -verbose ==> Emit verbose diagnostics");
286 PrintLn(" -version ==> Write out version number");
287 PrintLn(" -warn- ==> Don't emit warnings");
288 PrintLn(" -nowarn ==> Don't emit warnings");
289 PrintLn(" -xmlerror ==> Print error messages in XML format");
290 IF RTS.defaultTarget = "jvm" THEN
291 PrintLn("# Java Options ...");
292 PrintLn(" -D<name>=<value> pass <value> to JRE as system property <name>");
293 PrintLn(" -DCPSYM=$CPSYM pass value of CPSYM environment variable to JRE");
294 END;
295 END;
296 Message("This program comes with NO WARRANTY");
297 Message("Read source/GPCPcopyright for license details");
298 END Usage;
300 (* ==================================================================== *)
301 (* Option Setting *)
302 (* ==================================================================== *)
304 PROCEDURE ParseOption*(IN opt : ARRAY OF CHAR);
305 CONST MaxTargetLength = 4;
306 VAR copy : ARRAY 16 OF CHAR;
307 trgt : ARRAY MaxTargetLength + 1 OF CHAR;
308 indx : INTEGER;
309 (* ----------------------------------------- *)
310 PROCEDURE Unknown(IN str : ARRAY OF CHAR);
312 Message('Unknown option "' + str + '"');
313 doHelp := TRUE;
314 END Unknown;
315 (* ----------------------------------------- *)
316 PROCEDURE BadSize();
317 BEGIN Message('hsize must be integer in range 0 .. 65000') END BadSize;
318 (* ----------------------------------------- *)
319 PROCEDURE ParseSize(IN opt : ARRAY OF CHAR);
320 VAR ix : INTEGER;
321 nm : INTEGER;
322 ch : CHAR;
324 nm := 0;
325 ix := 7;
326 WHILE opt[ix] # 0X DO
327 ch := opt[ix];
328 IF (ch >= '0') & (ch <= '9') THEN
329 nm := nm * 10 + ORD(ch) - ORD('0');
330 IF nm > 65521 THEN BadSize; hashSize := nm; RETURN END;
331 ELSE
332 BadSize; doHelp := TRUE; hashSize := nm; RETURN;
333 END;
334 INC(ix);
335 END;
336 hashSize := nm;
337 END ParseSize;
338 (* ----------------------------------------- *)
339 PROCEDURE GetSuffix(preLen : INTEGER;
340 IN opt : ARRAY OF CHAR;
341 OUT dir : ARRAY OF CHAR);
342 VAR idx : INTEGER;
343 chr : CHAR;
345 idx := preLen;
346 chr := opt[idx];
347 WHILE (chr # 0X) & (idx < LEN(opt)) DO
348 dir[idx - preLen] := chr;
349 INC(idx); chr := opt[idx];
350 END;
351 END GetSuffix;
352 (* ----------------------------------------- *)
353 PROCEDURE RaiseSuffix(preLen : INTEGER;
354 outLen : INTEGER;
355 IN opt : ARRAY OF CHAR;
356 OUT dir : ARRAY OF CHAR);
357 VAR idx : INTEGER;
358 chr : CHAR;
360 idx := 0;
362 chr := opt[idx + preLen];
363 dir[idx] := CAP(chr);
364 INC(idx);
365 UNTIL (chr = 0X) OR (idx >= outLen) OR ((idx + preLen) > LEN(opt));
366 dir[idx] := 0X;
367 END RaiseSuffix;
369 (* ----------------------------------------- *)
372 str[LEN(pat$)] := 0X;
373 RETURN str = pat;
374 END StartsWith;
375 (* ----------------------------------------- *)
377 indx := 1;
378 WHILE (indx < 16) & (indx < LEN(opt)) DO
379 copy[indx-1] := opt[indx]; INC(indx);
380 END;
381 copy[15] := 0X;
383 CASE copy[0] OF
384 | "b" :
385 IF StartsWith(copy, "bindir=") THEN
386 GetSuffix(LEN("/bindir="), opt, binDir);
387 expectedNet := TRUE;
388 IF ~quiet THEN
389 Message("bin directory set to <" + binDir +">");
390 END;
391 ELSE
392 Unknown(opt);
393 END;
394 | "c" :
395 IF copy = "copyright" THEN
396 GPCPcopyright.Write;
397 ELSIF StartsWith(copy, "clsdir=") THEN
398 GetSuffix(LEN("/clsdir="), opt, binDir);
399 expectedJvm := TRUE;
400 IF ~quiet THEN
401 Message("output class tree rooted at <" + binDir +">");
402 END;
403 ELSIF StartsWith(copy, "cpsym=") THEN
404 GetSuffix(LEN("/cpsym="), opt, cpSymX);
405 IF ~quiet THEN
406 Message("using %" + cpSymX +"% as symbol file path");
407 END;
408 ELSE
409 Unknown(opt);
410 END;
411 | "d" :
412 IF copy = "dostats" THEN
413 doStats := TRUE;
414 ELSIF copy = "debug" THEN
415 debug := TRUE;
416 expectedNet := TRUE;
417 ELSE
418 Unknown(opt);
419 END;
420 | "e" : IF copy = "extras" THEN extras := TRUE ELSE Unknown(opt) END;
421 | "h" :
422 copy[6] := 0X;
423 IF copy = "help" THEN
424 doHelp := TRUE;
425 ELSIF copy = "hsize=" THEN
426 ParseSize(opt);
427 ELSE
428 Unknown(opt);
429 END;
430 | "i" :
431 IF copy = "ilasm" THEN
432 forceIlasm := TRUE;
433 expectedNet := TRUE;
434 ELSE
435 Unknown(opt);
436 END;
437 | "j" :
438 IF copy = "jasmin" THEN
439 doCode := TRUE;
440 doJsmn := TRUE;
441 expectedJvm := TRUE;
442 ELSE
443 Unknown(opt);
444 END;
445 | "l" :
446 IF copy = "list-" THEN
447 listLevel := CPascalS.listNever;
448 ELSIF copy = "list+" THEN
449 listLevel := CPascalS.listAlways;
450 ELSIF copy = "list" THEN
451 listLevel := CPascalS.listErrOnly;
452 ELSIF copy = "legacy" THEN
453 legacy := TRUE;
454 ELSE
455 Unknown(opt);
456 END;
457 | "n" :
458 IF copy = "nosym" THEN
459 doSym := FALSE;
460 doAsm := FALSE;
461 doCode := FALSE;
462 ELSIF copy = "noasm" THEN
463 doAsm := FALSE;
464 doCode := FALSE;
465 ELSIF copy = "nocode" THEN
466 doCode := FALSE;
467 ELSIF copy = "nowarn" THEN
468 warning := FALSE;
469 CPascalErrors.nowarn := TRUE;
470 ELSIF copy = "nocheck" THEN
471 ovfCheck := FALSE;
472 expectedNet := TRUE;
473 ELSIF copy = "nodebug" THEN
474 debug := FALSE;
475 expectedNet := TRUE;
476 ELSE
477 Unknown(opt);
478 END;
479 | "p" :
480 IF copy = "perwapi" THEN
481 forcePerwapi := TRUE;
482 expectedNet := TRUE;
483 ELSE
484 Unknown(opt);
485 END;
486 | "q" :
487 IF copy = "quiet" THEN
488 quiet := TRUE;
489 warning := FALSE;
490 ELSE
491 Unknown(opt);
492 END;
493 | "s" :
494 IF copy = "special" THEN
495 doAsm := FALSE;
496 special := TRUE;
497 strict := FALSE;
498 ELSIF copy = "strict" THEN
499 strict := TRUE;
500 ELSIF StartsWith(copy, "symdir=") THEN
501 GetSuffix(LEN("/symdir="), opt, symDir);
502 IF ~quiet THEN
503 Message("sym directory set to <" + symDir +">");
504 END;
505 ELSE
506 Unknown(opt);
507 END;
508 | "t" :
509 IF StartsWith(copy, "target=") THEN
510 RaiseSuffix(LEN("/target="), MaxTargetLength, opt, trgt);
511 IF trgt = "JVM" THEN
512 IF RTS.defaultTarget = "jvm" THEN
513 Message("JVM is default target for this build");
514 END;
515 target := "jvm";
516 ELSIF (trgt = "NET") OR (trgt = "CLR") THEN
517 IF RTS.defaultTarget = "net" THEN
518 Message("NET is default target for this build");
519 END;
520 target := "net";
521 ELSIF trgt = "LLVM" THEN
522 target := "llvm";
523 ELSE
524 Message('Unknown target, using "target=' +
525 RTS.defaultTarget + '"');
526 END;
527 ELSE
528 Unknown(opt);
529 END;
530 | "u" :
531 IF copy = "unsafe" THEN
532 unsafe := TRUE;
533 expectedNet := TRUE;
534 ELSE
535 Unknown(opt);
536 END;
537 | "v" :
538 IF copy = "version" THEN
539 doVersion := TRUE;
540 ELSIF copy = "verbose" THEN
541 quiet := FALSE;
542 warning := TRUE;
543 verbose := TRUE;
544 doStats := TRUE;
545 CPascalErrors.prompt := TRUE;
546 ELSIF copy = "vserror" THEN
547 CPascalErrors.forVisualStudio := TRUE;
548 expectedNet := TRUE;
549 ELSIF copy = "v1.0" THEN
550 netRel := netV1_0;
551 expectedNet := TRUE;
552 ELSIF copy = "v1.1" THEN
553 netRel := netV1_1;
554 expectedNet := TRUE;
555 ELSIF copy = "v2.0" THEN
556 netRel := netV2_0;
557 expectedNet := TRUE;
558 ELSE
559 Unknown(opt);
560 END;
561 | "w" :
562 IF copy = "warn-" THEN
563 warning := FALSE;
564 CPascalErrors.nowarn := TRUE;
565 ELSIF copy = "whidbey" THEN
566 netRel := netV2_0;
567 expectedNet := TRUE;
568 ELSE
569 Unknown(opt);
570 END;
571 | "x" :
572 IF copy = "xmlerror" THEN
573 CPascalErrors.xmlErrors := TRUE;
574 ELSE
575 Unknown(opt);
576 END;
577 ELSE
578 Unknown(opt);
579 END;
580 IF doVersion & ~doneVersion THEN
581 Message(target + GPCPcopyright.verStr);
582 doneVersion := TRUE;
583 END;
584 IF doHelp & ~doneHelp THEN Usage; doneHelp := TRUE END;
585 END ParseOption;
587 (* ==================================================================== *)
589 PROCEDURE CheckOptionsOK*;
591 IF target = "net" THEN
592 IF expectedJvm THEN Message
593 ("WARNING - a JVM-specific option was specified for .NET target");
594 expectedJvm := FALSE;
595 END;
596 IF expectedLlvm THEN Message
597 ("WARNING - an LLVM-specific option was specified for .NET target");
598 expectedLlvm := FALSE;
599 END;
600 ELSIF target = "jvm" THEN
601 IF expectedNet THEN Message
602 ("WARNING - a .NET-specific option was specified for JVM target");
603 expectedNet := FALSE;
604 END;
605 IF expectedLlvm THEN Message
606 ("WARNING - an LLVM-specific option was specified for JVM target");
607 expectedLlvm := FALSE;
608 END;
609 ELSIF target = "llvm" THEN
610 IF expectedJvm THEN Message
611 ("WARNING - a JVM-specific option was specified for LLVM target");
612 expectedJvm := FALSE;
613 END;
614 IF expectedNet THEN Message
615 ("WARNING - a .NET-specific option was specified for LLVM target");
616 expectedNet := FALSE;
617 END;
618 END;
619 (*
620 * If debug is set, for this version, ILASM is used unless /perwapi is explicit
621 * If debug is clar, for this versin, PERWAPI is used unless /ilasm is explicit
622 *)
623 IF forceIlasm THEN doIlasm := TRUE;
624 ELSIF forcePerwapi THEN doIlasm := FALSE;
625 ELSE doIlasm := debug;
626 END;
627 END CheckOptionsOK;
629 (* ==================================================================== *)
631 PROCEDURE CreateThisMod*();
633 NEW(thisMod);
634 thisMod.SetKind(IdDesc.modId);
635 thisMod.ovfChk := ovfCheck;
636 END CreateThisMod;
638 PROCEDURE InitCompState*(IN nam : ARRAY OF CHAR);
640 IF verbose THEN Message("opened local file <" + nam + ">") END;
641 GPText.Assign(nam, srcNam);
642 CPascalErrors.SetSrcNam(nam);
643 FileNames.StripExt(nam, basNam);
644 FileNames.AppendExt(basNam, "lst", lstNam);
646 CreateThisMod;
647 xhrId := IdDesc.newFldId();
648 xhrId.hash := NameHash.enterStr("prev");
649 srcBkt := NameHash.enterStr("src");
650 corBkt := NameHash.enterStr("mscorlib_System");
652 NEW(sysMod);
653 sysMod.SetKind(IdDesc.impId);
654 END InitCompState;
656 (* ==================================================================== *)
658 PROCEDURE Report*;
659 VAR str1 : ARRAY 8 OF CHAR;
660 str2 : ARRAY 8 OF CHAR;
662 Message(target + GPCPcopyright.verStr);
663 GPText.IntToStr(CPascalS.line, str1);
664 Message(str1 + " source lines");
665 GPText.IntToStr(impMax, str1);
666 Message("import recursion depth " + str1);
667 GPText.IntToStr(NameHash.size, str2);
668 GPText.IntToStr(NameHash.entries, str1);
669 Message(str1 + " entries in hashtable of size " + str2);
670 TimeMsg("import time ", import2 - import1);
671 TimeMsg("source time ", parseS - totalS);
672 TimeMsg("parse time ", parseE - parseS - import2 + import1);
673 TimeMsg("analysis time ", attrib - parseE);
674 TimeMsg("symWrite time ", symEnd - attrib);
675 TimeMsg("asmWrite time ", asmEnd - symEnd);
676 TimeMsg("assemble time ", totalE - asmEnd);
677 TimeMsg("total time ", totalE - totalS);
678 END Report;
680 (* ==================================================================== *)
682 PROCEDURE InitOptions*;
684 legacy := FALSE;
685 warning := TRUE;
686 verbose := FALSE;
687 doHelp := FALSE; doneHelp := FALSE;
688 doVersion := FALSE; doneVersion := FALSE;
689 ovfCheck := TRUE;
690 debug := TRUE;
691 netRel := netV2_0; (* probably should be from RTS? *)
692 doSym := TRUE;
693 extras := FALSE;
694 unsafe := FALSE;
695 doStats := FALSE;
696 doJsmn := FALSE;
697 doIlasm := TRUE;
698 forceIlasm := FALSE;
699 forcePerwapi := FALSE;
700 doCode := TRUE;
701 doAsm := TRUE;
702 special := FALSE;
703 strict := FALSE;
704 quiet := FALSE;
705 system := FALSE;
706 listLevel := CPascalS.listErrOnly;
707 hashSize := 5000; (* gets default hash size *)
708 expectedNet := FALSE;
709 expectedJvm := FALSE;
710 expectedLlvm := FALSE;
711 cpSymX := "CPSYM";
712 END InitOptions;
714 (* ==================================================================== *)
716 GPText.Assign(RTS.defaultTarget, target);
717 END CompState.
718 (* ==================================================================== *)