[gpcp-linux.git] / Builtin.cp
1 (* ==================================================================== *)
2 (* *)
3 (* Builtin Symbols for the Gardens Point Component Pascal Compiler. *)
4 (* Copyright (c) John Gough 1999, 2000. *)
5 (* *)
6 (* ==================================================================== *)
8 MODULE Builtin;
11 GPCPcopyright,
12 Console,
13 NameHash,
14 CompState,
15 Symbols,
16 IdDesc,
17 LitValue,
18 Typ := TypeDesc;
20 (* ============================================================ *)
21 CONST (* Here are global ordinals for builtin objects procs *)
22 (* Builtin Functions *)
23 absP* = 1; ashP* = 2; bitsP* = 3; capP* = 4;
24 chrP* = 5; entP* = 6; lenP* = 7; longP* = 8;
25 maxP* = 9; minP* = 10; oddP* = 11; ordP* = 12;
26 shrtP* = 13; sizeP* = 14; mStrP* = 15; tpOfP* = 16;
27 boxP* = 17; uBytP* = 18; lshP* = 19; rotP* = 20;
28 (* Builtin Proper Procedures *)
29 asrtP* = 21; decP* = 22; incP* = 23; inclP* = 24;
30 exclP* = 25; haltP* = 26; newP* = 27; throwP*= 28;
31 subsP* = 29; unsbP* = 30; apndP* = 31; cutP* = 32;
32 (* Builtin SYSTEM Functions *)
33 adrP* = 33; getP* = 34; putP* = 35;
35 CONST builtinTypeNum* = 16;
37 (* ============================================================ *)
39 VAR (* Here are the global descriptors for builtin objects. *)
40 (* Builtin Types *)
41 boolTp- : Symbols.Type; (* type descriptor of BOOLEAN *)
42 byteTp- : Symbols.Type; (* type descriptor of BYTE *)
43 uBytTp- : Symbols.Type; (* type descriptor of UBYTE *)
44 charTp- : Symbols.Type; (* type descriptor of CHAR *)
45 sChrTp- : Symbols.Type; (* type descriptor of SHORTCHAR *)
46 intTp- : Symbols.Type; (* type descriptor of INTEGER *)
47 sIntTp- : Symbols.Type; (* type descriptor of SHORTINT *)
48 lIntTp- : Symbols.Type; (* type descriptor of LONGINT *)
49 realTp- : Symbols.Type; (* type descriptor of REAL *)
50 sReaTp- : Symbols.Type; (* type descriptor of SHORTREAL *)
51 anyRec- : Symbols.Type; (* type descriptor of ANYREC *)
52 anyPtr- : Symbols.Type; (* type descriptor of ANYPTR *)
53 setTp- : Symbols.Type; (* type descriptor of SET *)
54 strTp- : Symbols.Type; (* type descriptor of <strings> *)
55 sStrTp- : Symbols.Type; (* type descriptor of <shortSt> *)
56 metaTp- : Symbols.Type; (* type descriptor of META *)
58 chrArr- : Symbols.Type; (* open value array of CHAR *)
60 anyTpId- : IdDesc.TypId;
62 VAR baseTypeArray- : ARRAY builtinTypeNum+1 OF Symbols.Type;
64 VAR sysBkt- : INTEGER;
65 frnBkt- : INTEGER;
66 noChkB- : INTEGER;
67 constB- : INTEGER;
68 basBkt- : INTEGER;
69 selfBk- : INTEGER;
70 xpndBk- : INTEGER;
72 (* ============================================================ *)
74 VAR (* Here are more global descriptors for builtin objects *)
75 (* Builtin Functions *)
76 absPd- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of ABS *)
77 ashPd- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of ASH *)
78 bitsPd- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of BITS *)
79 capPd- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of CAP *)
80 chrPd- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of CHR *)
81 entPd- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of ENTIER *)
82 lenPd- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of LEN *)
83 longPd- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of LONG *)
84 maxPd- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of MAX *)
85 minPd- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of MIN *)
86 oddPd- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of ODD *)
87 ordPd- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of ORD *)
88 uBytPd- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of USHORT *)
89 shrtPd- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of SHORT *)
90 sizePd- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of SIZE *)
91 mStrPd- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of MKSTR *)
92 tpOfPd- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of TYPEOF *)
93 boxPd- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of BOX *)
94 (* SYSTEM functions *)
95 adrPd- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of ADR *)
96 getPd- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of GET *)
97 putPd- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of PUT *)
98 lshPd- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of LSH *)
99 rotPd- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of ROT *)
100 (* Builtin Proper Procedures *)
101 asrtPd- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of ASSERT *)
102 decPd- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of DEC *)
103 incPd- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of INC *)
104 inclPd- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of INCL *)
105 exclPd- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of EXCL *)
106 haltPd- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of HALT *)
107 throwPd-: Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of THROW *)
108 newPd- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of NEW *)
109 subsPd- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident desc of REGISTER *)
110 unsbPd- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident desc of DEREGISTER *)
111 apndPd- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of APPEND *)
112 cutPd- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of CUT *)
114 (* ============================================================ *)
116 VAR (* Here are more global descriptors for builtin objects *)
117 (* Builtin Constants *)
118 trueC- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of TRUE *)
119 falsC- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of FALSE *)
120 infC- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of INF *)
121 nInfC- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of NEGINF *)
122 nilC- : Symbols.Idnt; (* ident descriptor of NIL *)
124 (* ============================================================ *)
126 VAR (* some private stuff *)
127 dummyProcType : Typ.Procedure;
128 dummyFuncType : Typ.Procedure;
130 (* ============================================================ *)
132 PROCEDURE MkDummyImport*(IN nam : ARRAY OF CHAR;
134 OUT blk : IdDesc.BlkId);
135 VAR jnk : BOOLEAN;
137 blk := IdDesc.newImpId();
138 blk.dfScp := blk;
139 blk.hash := NameHash.enterStr(nam);
140 IF LEN(xNm) > 1 THEN blk.scopeNm := LitValue.strToCharOpen(xNm) END;
141 jnk := CompState.thisMod.symTb.enter(blk.hash, blk);
142 INCL(blk.xAttr, Symbols.isFn);
143 END MkDummyImport;
145 (* ------------------------------------------------------------ *)
147 PROCEDURE MkDummyClass*(IN nam : ARRAY OF CHAR;
148 blk : IdDesc.BlkId;
149 att : INTEGER;
150 OUT tId : IdDesc.TypId);
151 VAR ptr : Typ.Pointer;
152 rec : Typ.Record;
153 jnk : BOOLEAN;
155 ptr := Typ.newPtrTp();
156 rec := Typ.newRecTp();
157 tId := IdDesc.newTypId(ptr);
158 ptr.idnt := tId;
159 ptr.boundTp := rec;
160 rec.bindTp := ptr;
161 rec.extrnNm := blk.scopeNm;
162 rec.recAtt := att;
163 INCL(rec.xAttr, Symbols.clsTp); (* new 04.jun.01 *)
164 tId.SetMode(Symbols.pubMode);
165 tId.dfScp := blk;
166 tId.hash := NameHash.enterStr(nam);
167 tId.SetNameFromHash(tId.hash);
168 jnk := blk.symTb.enter(tId.hash, tId);
169 END MkDummyClass;
171 (* ------------------------------------------------------------ *)
173 PROCEDURE MkDummyMethodAndInsert*(IN namStr : ARRAY OF CHAR;
174 prcTyp : Typ.Procedure;
175 hostTp : Symbols.Type;
176 scope : IdDesc.BlkId;
177 access : INTEGER;
178 rcvFrm : INTEGER;
179 mthAtt : SET);
180 VAR mthD : IdDesc.MthId;
181 recT : Typ.Record;
182 rcvD : IdDesc.ParId;
183 oldD : IdDesc.OvlId;
184 junk : BOOLEAN;
186 recT := hostTp.boundRecTp()(Typ.Record);
187 prcTyp.receiver := hostTp;
189 mthD := IdDesc.newMthId();
190 mthD.SetMode(access);
191 mthD.setPrcKind(IdDesc.conMth);
192 mthD.hash := NameHash.enterStr(namStr);
193 mthD.dfScp := scope;
194 mthD.type := prcTyp;
195 mthD.bndType := hostTp;
196 mthD.mthAtt := mthAtt;
197 mthD.SetNameFromString(BOX(namStr));
199 rcvD := IdDesc.newParId();
200 rcvD.varOrd := 0;
201 rcvD.parMod := rcvFrm;
202 rcvD.type := hostTp;
203 rcvD.hash := NameHash.enterStr("this");
204 rcvD.dfScp := mthD;
206 mthD.rcvFrm := rcvD;
207 Typ.InsertInRec(mthD, recT, TRUE, oldD, junk);
208 Symbols.AppendIdnt(recT.methods, mthD);
209 END MkDummyMethodAndInsert;
211 (* ------------------------------------------------------------ *)
214 blk : IdDesc.BlkId;
215 typ : Symbols.Type;
216 OUT vId : IdDesc.VarId);
217 VAR jnk : BOOLEAN;
219 vId := IdDesc.newVarId();
220 vId.SetMode(Symbols.pubMode);
221 vId.type := typ;
222 vId.dfScp := blk;
223 vId.hash := NameHash.enterStr(nam);
224 jnk := blk.symTb.enter(vId.hash, vId);
225 END MkDummyVar;
227 (* ------------------------------------------------------------ *)
229 PROCEDURE MkDummyAlias*(IN nam : ARRAY OF CHAR;
230 blk : IdDesc.BlkId;
231 typ : Symbols.Type;
232 OUT tId : Symbols.Idnt);
233 VAR (* tId : IdDesc.TypId; *)
234 jnk : BOOLEAN;
236 tId := IdDesc.newTypId(typ);
237 tId.SetMode(Symbols.pubMode);
238 tId.dfScp := blk;
239 tId.hash := NameHash.enterStr(nam);
240 jnk := blk.symTb.enter(tId.hash, tId);
241 END MkDummyAlias;
243 (* ------------------------------------------------------------ *)
245 PROCEDURE SetPtrBase*(cls, bas : IdDesc.TypId);
246 VAR ptrC : Typ.Pointer;
247 recC : Typ.Record;
248 VAR ptrB : Typ.Pointer;
249 recB : Typ.Record;
251 ptrC := cls.type(Typ.Pointer);
252 recC := ptrC.boundTp(Typ.Record);
253 ptrB := bas.type(Typ.Pointer);
254 recB := ptrB.boundTp(Typ.Record);
255 recC.baseTp := recB;
256 END SetPtrBase;
258 (* ============================================================ *)
260 PROCEDURE InitAnyRec(ord : INTEGER);
261 VAR base : Typ.Base;
262 tpId : IdDesc.TypId;
264 base := Typ.anyRecTp;
265 tpId := IdDesc.newTypId(base);
266 anyRec := base;
267 anyTpId := tpId;
268 base.idnt := tpId;
269 base.tpOrd := ord;
270 base.dump := ord;
271 baseTypeArray[ord] := base;
272 END InitAnyRec;
274 PROCEDURE InitAnyPtr(ord : INTEGER);
275 VAR base : Typ.Base;
276 tpId : IdDesc.TypId;
278 base := Typ.anyPtrTp;
279 tpId := IdDesc.newTypId(base);
280 anyPtr := base;
281 base.idnt := tpId;
282 base.tpOrd := ord;
283 base.dump := ord;
284 baseTypeArray[ord] := base;
285 END InitAnyPtr;
287 (* -------------------------------------------- *)
289 PROCEDURE StdType(ord : INTEGER; OUT var : Symbols.Type);
290 VAR base : Typ.Base;
291 tpId : IdDesc.TypId;
293 base := Typ.newBasTp();
294 tpId := IdDesc.newTypId(base);
295 base.idnt := tpId;
296 base.tpOrd := ord;
297 base.dump := ord;
298 var := base;
299 baseTypeArray[ord] := base;
300 END StdType;
302 (* -------------------------------------------- *)
304 PROCEDURE StdConst(typ : Symbols.Type; OUT var : Symbols.Idnt);
305 VAR conD : IdDesc.ConId;
307 conD := IdDesc.newConId();
308 conD.SetStd();
309 conD.type := typ;
310 var := conD;
311 END StdConst;
313 (* -------------------------------------------- *)
315 PROCEDURE StdFunc(ord : INTEGER; OUT var : Symbols.Idnt);
316 VAR proc : IdDesc.PrcId;
318 proc := IdDesc.newPrcId();
319 proc.SetKind(IdDesc.conPrc);
320 proc.SetOrd(ord);
321 proc.type := dummyFuncType;
322 var := proc;
323 END StdFunc;
325 (* -------------------------------------------- *)
327 PROCEDURE StdProc(ord : INTEGER; OUT var : Symbols.Idnt);
328 VAR proc : IdDesc.PrcId;
330 proc := IdDesc.newPrcId();
331 proc.SetKind(IdDesc.conPrc);
332 proc.SetOrd(ord);
333 proc.type := dummyProcType;
334 var := proc;
335 END StdProc;
337 (* -------------------------------------------- *)
339 PROCEDURE BindName(var : Symbols.Idnt; IN str : ARRAY OF CHAR);
340 VAR hash : INTEGER;
341 temp : IdDesc.BlkId;
343 hash := NameHash.enterStr(str);
344 var.hash := hash;
345 var.dfScp := NIL;
346 var.SetNameFromString(BOX(str$));
347 ASSERT(CompState.thisMod.symTb.enter(hash, var));
348 END BindName;
350 (* -------------------------------------------- *)
352 PROCEDURE BindSysName(var : Symbols.Idnt; IN str : ARRAY OF CHAR);
353 VAR hash : INTEGER;
354 temp : IdDesc.BlkId;
356 hash := NameHash.enterStr(str);
357 var.hash := hash;
358 var.dfScp := NIL;
359 ASSERT(CompState.sysMod.symTb.enter(hash, var));
360 END BindSysName;
362 (* -------------------------------------------- *)
364 PROCEDURE RebindBuiltins*;
366 selfBk := NameHash.enterStr("SELF");
367 basBkt := NameHash.enterStr("BASE");
368 sysBkt := NameHash.enterStr("SYSTEM");
369 xpndBk := NameHash.enterStr("expand");
370 frnBkt := NameHash.enterStr("FOREIGN");
371 constB := NameHash.enterStr("CONSTRUCTOR");
372 noChkB := NameHash.enterStr("UNCHECKED_ARITHMETIC");
373 BindName(boolTp.idnt, "BOOLEAN");
374 BindName(byteTp.idnt, "BYTE");
375 BindName(uBytTp.idnt, "UBYTE");
376 BindName(charTp.idnt, "CHAR");
377 BindName(sChrTp.idnt, "SHORTCHAR");
378 BindName(intTp.idnt, "INTEGER");
379 BindName(sIntTp.idnt, "SHORTINT");
380 BindName(lIntTp.idnt, "LONGINT");
381 BindName(realTp.idnt, "REAL");
382 BindName(sReaTp.idnt, "SHORTREAL");
383 BindName(anyRec.idnt, "ANYREC");
384 BindName(anyPtr.idnt, "ANYPTR");
385 BindName(setTp.idnt, "SET");
386 BindName(strTp.idnt, "<string>");
387 BindName(sStrTp.idnt, "<shortString>");
388 BindName(metaTp.idnt, "<META-TYPE>");
390 BindName(absPd, "ABS");
391 BindName(ashPd, "ASH");
392 BindName(lshPd, "LSH");
393 BindName(rotPd, "ROT");
394 BindName(bitsPd, "BITS");
395 BindName(capPd, "CAP");
396 BindName(chrPd, "CHR");
397 BindName(entPd, "ENTIER");
398 BindName(lenPd, "LEN");
399 BindName(longPd, "LONG");
400 BindName(maxPd, "MAX");
401 BindName(minPd, "MIN");
402 BindName(oddPd, "ODD");
403 BindName(ordPd, "ORD");
404 BindName(uBytPd, "USHORT");
405 BindName(shrtPd, "SHORT");
406 BindName(sizePd, "SIZE");
407 BindName(mStrPd, "MKSTR");
408 BindName(boxPd, "BOX");
409 BindName(tpOfPd, "TYPEOF");
411 BindSysName(adrPd, "ADR");
412 BindSysName(getPd, "GET");
413 BindSysName(putPd, "PUT");
415 BindName(asrtPd, "ASSERT");
416 BindName(decPd, "DEC");
417 BindName(incPd, "INC");
418 BindName(inclPd, "INCL");
419 BindName(exclPd, "EXCL");
420 BindName(haltPd, "HALT");
421 BindName(throwPd,"THROW");
422 BindName(newPd, "NEW");
423 BindName(subsPd, "REGISTER");
424 BindName(unsbPd, "DEREGISTER");
425 BindName(apndPd, "APPEND");
426 BindName(cutPd, "CUT");
428 BindName(trueC, "TRUE");
429 BindName(falsC, "FALSE");
430 BindName(infC, "INF");
431 BindName(nInfC, "NEGINF");
432 BindName(nilC, "NIL");
434 CompState.sysMod.hash := sysBkt;
435 END RebindBuiltins;
437 (* -------------------------------------------- *)
439 PROCEDURE InitBuiltins*;
441 InitAnyRec(Typ.anyRec);
442 InitAnyPtr(Typ.anyPtr);
443 StdType(Typ.boolN, boolTp);
444 StdType(Typ.byteN, byteTp);
445 StdType(Typ.uBytN, uBytTp);
446 StdType(Typ.charN, charTp); chrArr := Typ.mkArrayOf(charTp);
447 StdType(Typ.sChrN, sChrTp);
448 StdType(Typ.intN, intTp); Typ.integerT := intTp;
449 StdType(Typ.sIntN, sIntTp);
450 StdType(Typ.lIntN, lIntTp);
451 StdType(Typ.realN, realTp);
452 StdType(Typ.sReaN, sReaTp);
453 (*
454 StdType(Typ.anyPtr,anyPtr);
455 *)
456 StdType(Typ.setN, setTp);
457 StdType(Typ.strN, strTp);
458 StdType(Typ.sStrN, sStrTp);
459 StdType(Typ.metaN, metaTp);
461 dummyProcType := Typ.newPrcTp();
462 dummyFuncType := Typ.newPrcTp();
463 dummyFuncType.retType := anyPtr;
465 StdFunc(absP, absPd);
466 StdFunc(ashP, ashPd);
467 StdFunc(lshP, lshPd);
468 StdFunc(rotP, rotPd);
469 StdFunc(bitsP, bitsPd);
470 StdFunc(capP, capPd);
471 StdFunc(chrP, chrPd);
472 StdFunc(entP, entPd);
473 StdFunc(lenP, lenPd);
474 StdFunc(longP, longPd);
475 StdFunc(maxP, maxPd);
476 StdFunc(minP, minPd);
477 StdFunc(oddP, oddPd);
478 StdFunc(ordP, ordPd);
479 StdFunc(uBytP, uBytPd);
480 StdFunc(shrtP, shrtPd);
481 StdFunc(sizeP, sizePd);
482 StdFunc(mStrP, mStrPd);
483 StdFunc(boxP, boxPd);
484 StdFunc(tpOfP, tpOfPd);
486 StdFunc(adrP, adrPd);
487 StdProc(getP, getPd);
488 StdProc(putP, putPd);
490 StdProc(asrtP, asrtPd);
491 StdProc(decP, decPd);
492 StdProc(incP, incPd);
493 StdProc(inclP, inclPd);
494 StdProc(exclP, exclPd);
495 StdProc(haltP, haltPd);
496 StdProc(throwP,throwPd);
497 StdProc(newP, newPd);
498 StdProc(subsP, subsPd);
499 StdProc(unsbP, unsbPd);
500 StdProc(apndP, apndPd);
501 StdProc(cutP, cutPd);
503 StdConst(boolTp, trueC);
504 StdConst(boolTp, falsC);
505 StdConst(sReaTp, infC);
506 StdConst(sReaTp, nInfC);
507 StdConst(anyPtr, nilC);
508 END InitBuiltins;
510 (* ============================================================ *)
511 END Builtin. (* ============================================== *)
512 (* ============================================================ *)